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Everything posted by Blackfox

  1. Christm-ass

    Yes he does. But i like to think of myself as the grumpy grinch (minus the Christmas stealing malarkey).
  2. MSN 8 Beta leaked

    Looks like it has the exact same features as 7. I'll probably give it a miss.
  3. Sony takes DRM waaay too far

    True. Everything is vunarable to exploits and hacks. Some clever chap will work out a way around it, and Sony will have wasted all that money researching it.
  4. Christm-ass

    He's the Grinch. He dislikes Christmas too.
  5. Christm-ass

    I dislike Christmas.
  6. Official RE Battle Cards!

    That is awesome.
  7. Audio Fusion

    A very good and well made show my little Belgian Waffle.
  8. 'The Game' receives police brutality

    And you bash Emos?
  9. Dreams...

    Haha, Offerman's a stoner :P Sounds a pretty awesome dream though
  10. Dreams...

    I have messed up dreams, usually inspired by what i ahd been doing that day or what i had seen or read. Ive had dreams about saving the Titanic, making a kickass fort of AOE2 in my head, Command and Conquer dreams (it was like MOTD, but analysing a battle...O_o) and some random dreams inspired by American Psycho :P
  11. I'll Have A...

    Good man. 15.................
  12. technically we are all emo

    He's so damn adorable though!
  13. Starving for the Xbox360

    The King sets a mighty example to his subjects. ALL HAIL THE KING!
  14. Anybody going to see MCR on Friday?

    Rise Against are a great band. Anyways, on topic... No, i wouldn't go to a MCR gig if you paid me.
  15. Christm-ass

    Truth. Why else were there queues for bread and fish when he was around?
  16. You all know the score. Its a quiz. Rules are: - The poster posts 10 questions that the members of the boadr have to try to answer. One one answer per person per round please - that way everyone can be involved. - The questions have got to be accessable e.g. not, "what is my mum's maiden name?" Nobody will know the answer to that. - I shall keep a tally, which i'll update with the scores every so often. - PM me for who wants to do the next round, it will only take 5 mins to think of questions, and to look over the thread one evening to sort out answers etc. So please volunteer your souls time! - I can't think of any other rules atm. I'll add some if necessary. I'll get the balll rolling then.... ROUND 1 1) What is my Xbox Live gamertag? Done! 2) Name the 4 members of the band NOFX. Done! 3) Name the Dutch themed nickname that i used for a while. (its a toughy ) Shorty goddit 4) CubeChris has a ghost, a panda or a pet goat at his new house? Done! 5) Who invented the paperclip? Done! 6) What is the only Olympic sport where the winner never crosses the finishing line? Done! 7) Which film was based upon the book Do Androids Dream of Electrical sheep? Done! 8) What is the common name for the drug 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine? Done! 9) Who wrote To kill a Mockingbird? Done! 10) Final question, what is the capital city of Burkina Faso? Done! Have some fun and join in! EDIT: first person to post that correct answer for the question wins a point. Sorry, should have pointed that out. Just posts answers in the thread. Scoreboard - after round 11. BlackFox - 8 Meik - 8 gmac - 7 Zatoichi - 7 Athriller - 6 Bowser57 - 6 Haver - 6 dukkadukka - 5 Johelian - 4 Monopolyman - 4 Eenuh - 4 Platty - 4 Raining - 4 Emo - 3 soag - 3 Noodleman - 2 Zakatu - 2 Arragaun - 2 CubeChris - 2 Tom - 2 Mr_Odwin - 2 Kopo - 2 Cheapshot - 2 Oli - 2 Bluejay - 1 Tendo's Missus - 1 Shorty - 1 masaki 86 - 1 Ashley - 1 guaglio - 1 Tys - 1 Twlight Link - 1 Woosel - 1 Round 1: BlackFox Round 2: kopo Round 3: gmac Round 4: CubeChris Round 5: Platty Round 6: Athriller. Round 7: soag Round 8: dukkadukka Round 9: Meik Round 10: Monopolyman Round 11: Emo Round 12. TysOnToast. Round 13: Zatoichi Round 14: Tom
  17. Raped by a dog

    Yeah, iw as going to say that with the aid of a ugly (and probably lardy) slapper. However, when searching Google, my eyes were greeted with pictures of the most foul sort.
  18. Halo Discussion

    Just had a great set of games with Liege and Cubechris. I think we lost once in 9 games. We were all on top form, gripping matches and lots of kills a plenty. Awesome stuff - reminds me of how good Halo is. I came: 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 2nd, 1st, 2nd, 1st, 4th (and one N/A game) Level 19, im pretty chuffed
  19. Rammstein - Rosenrot, Oct 31st!! :D

    Not the best album they have released. Ive not heard Reise, Reise but Im not enjoy Rosenrot too much. I'll give it another coupel of listens before i make a final judgement.
  20. Free!

    So who else has signed up for bottles?
  21. Raped by a dog

    Hahahaha, quality.
  22. Halo Discussion

    Anyone playing tonight?
  23. Rate The Above Posters Popularity

    Camp..? Thanks for the "nice guy" comments though!
  24. GAME : Halloween Sale

    Yeah, they're mostly PS2 games. The XBL fire sale was great though. Atif loves me for what i did
  25. Rate The Above Posters Popularity

    I removed it to make way for a makeshift one, and forgot the url for the original. Yeah, im cool. +Rep As for Platty, he's everywhere, and who can forget the Blink sig? 10/10