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Everything posted by insaner

  1. When it comes to science when most of Europe was in the dark ages, the world from Spain to India was vast in scientific thought. Baghdad (house of wisdom) and Cordoba was one of the most influential cities in the world at time. While they were part of the Islamic civilization, scientific thought began to flourish big time. Discovery of earth being round (its always Columbus who gets credit never the Greeks or the Muslim civilizations), the breakthroughs in medicine from the modern day method to eye surgery, studies in astronomy/physics/mathematics/alchemy they were all there etc. Alot of knowledge was lost in Cordoba because of civil conflicts and then the reconquesta. Funny thing is while the civilization learned from others too like the Greeks (greek knowledge was lost in the 5th century, and later found by Jews and Muslims in the 9th), alot of science came from the Qur'an, a religious book (from the 7th century). Words like falak in the book were used in believing that the earth was not flat, to the origins of life in water, to what we call now the big bang theory etc etc Hindus for example took mathematics/algebra to a whole new level. Point is Science was a problem in parts the West. Don't start blaming religion as a whole as if its anti-science. Like I mentioned before, Einstein said it best "Science without Religion is lame". Anyway I'm out.
  2. What are you saying? Black Plague, Slavery to be Religions fault? What in the world? You are trying to ignore the point that the 20th century was the worst which had nothing to do with Religion, and don't give me excuses like the Israel-Arab conflict, it was all about Nationalistic pride (Arab League etc) and Land. Gosh people are so funny, why can't you admit that humanity is at fault of many things? Arrogance, Pride, Greed, Ignorance, Hate etc etc Perfect example is the environment, is it 'god' that is destroying the environment or man?
  3. Gulf War had nothing to do with Religion, if it was why would Saudi Arabia the holiest land of Islam support the US to fight Iraq, another Islamic country? Iraq wanted to invade Kuwait (another Islamic country) for Oil and land, and the US who was once allied with Iraq decided to invade Iraq to defend Kuwait. I highly doubt that 'god' told Bush to invade so he did (he said it to please the evanglist lobbies especially), we all know how it went (WMD's etc) don't blame Religion for the war in Iraq, in fact we now have facts that Iraq had nothing to do with 911! Leaders always try to please the clerics/priests, its part of being politics! Religion was not used to start World Wars, Are we also forgetting about Nationalism? Thats a big one right there. How about the Cold War, Capitalism/Communism? I don't mean to be offensive to anyone but how about Darwinism (think about guys like Hitler, superior race ideologies, survival of the fittest etc)? The source of all evil (even if you don't believe in religion)? I'm sure Greed and (the want/need of) Power have alot to do with it etc. We live in a world with Corporations who we all know are greedy regardless. Its not necessarily the people who run it, its what a Corporation is...an imaginary individual with rights and freedoms that is taxed like an individual... Look at Africa? The perfect example to look at how the world is...was it Religion that made the continent as it is now? Sure you can look at whats happening in Darfur, two Muslim tribes fighting each other, over a million dead does it have anything to do with Religion? Absolutely not in fact the cause of the war is tribal! One tribe has a nose shape that the other doesnt (look into it, its ridiculous! It sounds funny, But people are dying!) etc. So please when people start saying Religion is the source of evil and start using guys like UBL as part of an excuse really need to wake up and learn something for once, even if you have no faith at all, there are MORE important issues to look at it. We are too comfortable these days... I can admit that....
  4. The list is as follows: Altered Beast Ecco The Dolphin Columns Golden Axe Ristar Sonic the Hedgehog Toe Jam & Earl Source is from Codename Revolution (they got the info before anyone else)
  5. Ah thats media propaganda for ya... Take Canada for instance, took all Japs into concentration camps during WW2 and all Japs were seen as evil traitors...now they are playing Nintendo and Playstation (both Jap brands) Gosh I would go on hours talking about minorities to commies etc...stereotypes.... Sorry that is an extremely weak arguement... lets see The 20th century was the WORST century in Human history... lets look at events we know...how did they start: World War 1, was it because of Religion? World War 2, was it because of Religion? Korean War was it because of Religion? Vietnam War was it because of Religion? 170,000,000 Civilian deaths in US-led invasions in the 20th century...millions upon millions dead...hunger/famine/disease whatever you want to call it gosh Religion has nothing to do with it....And this is a century filled with Secularism everywhere.... As for Science (I'm surprised nobody ever looks at Islam and Science or intelligent design theories etc etc) Einstein said it best (it was something like this) "Science without Religion is lame"
  6. Sorry Teppo... how do you know what the time of CR's post was? Did you even check the sites archive in the search of how CR posts Nintendo Power?
  7. No Tempo It IS FROM Codename Revolution, check the archive at the site for all Nintendo Power news, it's ALWAYS in the 'UPDATE' format etc. ShadowV7 you ripped it off of Codename Revolution OR Go Nintendo (which had linked it back to CR). Regardless you didn't write it, I hate when people steal.
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