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Everything posted by ReZourceman

  1. good stuff thread.

    Ugh. That webinar I was in is up. LOL. A bit cringe, but if anyone's interested, my bit starts from about 13 minutes in.
  2. It's later than usual but 23rd August is looking the best so far - the only date that everyone can do. It would seem a shame to miss people. I see Danny and Moogle have time off on the premium times. But yeah, absolutely fine by me, bit later.
  3. Transformers 4 & 5

  4. [Sign-Up] The LEGO Mafia DIY

    The Galactus example is my awesome custom. Jus' sayin.
  5. Post your Cooking!

    Soo hungry now!!! My new series on my food review channel, where I will highlight some recipes. #OfMtOwnDesign #NoBigDeal #IgnoreMySlacks
  6. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    #DeySeeMeTriplin #DeyHatin
  7. Hated missing Sunday shenanigans last year. Ill check the spredders.
  8. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    I protected you from being targeted by members of the mafia.
  9. good stuff thread.

    Fuck yes! Customer Services fight back!
  10. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Probably trust The Peeps now.
  11. Mafia General Discussion Thread

    I am so fine with dat.
  12. Marvel's Phase Two

    You will buy both the individual Blu-Rays, AND the Phase 2 boxset or not at all. Now there's a good boy. P.S. Captian America The Cold Shoulder is out three weeks tomorrow (technically kinda - midnight showing). If anyone wants to come to Aylesbury for it, I've got a nice group of people going.
  13. Marvel's Phase Two

    Just buy Thor The Dark World! No reason not to anyway. Yeah. Best one ever. So awesome. Adn Dat cameo!
  14. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

    Incredible game. Definitely a masterpiece. Video analysis and review coming. I need to get all KONG and Jigsaw though - still going through W2 in that regard. Hard as nails in places. Not ashamed to admit I went from 100 lives entering W6 to like...15.
  15. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    I don't know - it wasn't part of my power at least. Again, I should be able to gain information from people who targeted me last night. Anyone want to confess to having done so/ This is irritating. Anyway, that's all good.
  16. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Possibly because I was afflicted by my own active ability. I targeted The Peeps but he redirected it back to me. If I was mafia, I'd have to post three words or less each post. If I was town I'd have to post five sentences or more each post. I know this sounds exactly like me trying to clear myself, but at the very least Peeps will be able to confirm that he had this defence mechanism. But it does mean I've attempted to reach him a couple of times and failed.
  17. ReZourceman's Videos (Enter At Own Risk)

    I didn't post last weeks God Mode here, so here it is and here is this weeks too. Be interested to hear thoughts.
  18. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Poop. Ugh-sauce. Business as normal.
  19. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    In the night phase......o....did yew did it elsehwneerhen.
  20. Xbox One Console Discussion

    Wow that's incredible service. My encounters with Amazon's Live Chat have not been as productive.
  21. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Cool. Not that it matters now with the truth serum having been used, but without that I would have been very confident that Rummy was good/town. Not certain, but very strong...like...thing. Because I targeted you with a two-pronged action, your PM is replaced with "ReZ stole your PM" and I get your PM. I don't see why your passive ability would override my active ability (whilst it's possible....) but they probably should have both happened - you get "ReZ stole your PM" and I get "I like Roy". Also, I'm confident I wasn't roleblocked as I would know about it (even if I did only get "I like Roy". So yeah. #suspicious
  22. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Hmmm. He shouldn't have.
  23. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

    (FYI, I am sure you are wondering where the fuck I am and why I am not all over this thread. Been avoiding it for a few months. I will be here when I've completed it - avoiding spoilers). I'm on World 5, I've done shit at collecting KONGs and Jigsaws and I've found it to be both unfathomably difficult (exaggeration) and utterly incredible.
  24. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Is The Peeps saying he got a successful result? Also, if anyone wants to come forward as having targeted me, I can clear you as being almost certainly good.
  25. [game] Riot: do whatever the fuck you want mafia

    Hang on hang on hang on. So confused. Right. Loads of questions. - Yvonne, you say you put The Peeps power in the write up - which bit is that? - The Peeps, are you saying you got an investigation result? - This "We Like Roy" - is that some form of roleblocking? - The way I read it - why would Jimbob (supposedly mafia) alignment investigate a player.