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Posts posted by Ellmeister

  1. I have a set aside a large marketing budget within my figures. The numbers I've put down (and the associated loss by month 5) are put in without any investment. I've been working out numbers for different amount of investment given so I know, and can show, where I should be at any given point. The more investment I gain the more rapidly I want to expand at the start.


    Do you need an accountant? :D

  2. I totally thought that Franklin was going to die if I chose C. The first two endings killed off a character and option C was called "Death Wish" so I figured the choice was more of a "who do you want to kill off". I did think it was odd that 3 didn't specifically mention killing Franklin, so I Googled it before I made a decision. I'd probably have killed Trevor if I had to pick between the main three. I like Michael too much and Franklin's special ability is the only one I actually use.


    I did this and had the same thoughts when deciding!

  3. I've done several iterations of long-distance, and really the biggest 'issue' is you can settle into a routine where weekends = partner, weekdays = everything else. You form habits where you don't have to worry about what your partner wants to do during the week and, well, doing this for 2 years then going into a 'regular' relationship can lead to a lot a feeling of constraint and a reduction of choice.


    But there are a lot of great elements to distance relationships where you actually get to meet up frequently. I was going from brighton to Leeds and the 4-5 hour travel every other week never bothered me - but being continents apart with only the maybe of seeing your other half once or twice a year? That's not really a relationship, in my view. That's feeling the comfort of being loved, but just complicating living life.


    I agree with this. After meeting my lady at uni we are now saving up for a house separately so only see each other at weekend. She only lives hour and half away which isn't that far but still long distance is say. You get used to routine ofit and just have to make the effort.


    Countries is a whole different matter. So I can 100% understand Kavvy's issue.

  4. I had to break up with my girlfriend and it was heartbreaking!

    She's from Mexico and was over here studying when we met and started dating. She went back to Mexico after her studies but came back to give us a go and see how things went. We'd been together almost a year and unfortunately her visa expired so she had to go back to Mexico.


    The difficult thing is that the visa restrictions are really tight for her and she couldn't get another visa to come here unless we married and I wasn't at a point in the relationship to be ready for that... long distance just doesn't work and this is as long distance as it gets. So unfortunately I had to end things, the worst thing of all is having to hurt her. I hated that.

    It's been a really difficult time, It's crap that we've been victims of circumstance but it ending is for the best.


    Dude, hugs



  5. Exactly the same situation here. I don't want to switch the stored vehicle to my tank, since I'll lose the jet. Silly game.


    Luckily, I only bought the tank so I could use it to steal the jet, but the option to mess around with it would be nice.


    I did the same thinking tank would help but parachuted instead, made it quite easy.

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