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Posts posted by Aperson

  1. I guess no one's really interested in watching this LP anymore. Well... I'm getting towards the end so I might as well finish it all. Here it is, Part 31 where the first steps of the Pirate Homeworld Invasion begin. Things are getting exciting now...



    In other gaming news I picked up and started Timesplitters: Future Perfect. Fun game so far, a lot more story driven in terms of campaign than Timesplitters 2 was but the Halo influence with the vehicle section in the Scotland level is rather noticeable. I am usually terrible at games wit dual analogue controls but enjoyed Timesplitters anyway no matter how bad I am at the game and with the interest of only really playing single player. Aiming assist helps as well I guess..


    Also playing a lot more Magic Arena lately. Rotation is coming so I'm kind of in the final stages of wanting to get everything I can from this Standard season, including the M21 Mastery Pass. Once I've got that I should be flooded with packs and will be able to complete all the Shock Lands before rotation happens. Also experimenting with potential post-rotation decks like this one:

    4x Fervent Champion

    4x Tin Street Cadet

    4x Chandra's Pyreling

    4x Forbidden Friendship

    4x Robber of the Rich

    2x Anax, Hardened by the Forge

    4x Bonecrusher Giant

    4x Raid Bombardment

    2x Subira, Tulzani Caravaneer

    3x Torbran, Thane of Redfell

    3x Embercleave

    4x Castle Embereth

    18x Mountain


    Going to miss Light Up the Stage when it rotates :(

    • Thanks 1

  2. I suppose Le Tissier, Nicholas and Thompson would all have to go eventually. But the way they've just been sacked, apparently simply for being "white males" isn't really great. If that is genuinely the reason they've been sacked then I guess Sky will employ at least one female pundit in there and the rest will be ex black players.


    Unfortunately in the modern day industry, if your industry involves cameras and being presented to the world, then any white males that are applying can forget about it for the most part. I'm all for diversity in the industry, but I feel like some organisations take that as "get payback on white males because they had it good for too long". Racism is still racisim in the end, it doesn't have to be directed at black people from white just because that's how it has historically been.


    I do agree that Soccer Saturday's appeal is rather similar to what Top Gear was like when you had Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May on there. Executives in the modern day don't really understand chemistry though and I'm pretty sure that they will have at least one female pundit on Soccer Saturday going forward.


    Just have to hope that if they do get a female pundit on there they can still continue the spirit of the show.  There's absolutely no reason why women can't banter.

  3. I'm impressed they have managed to create what under old circumstances would be a full length season. This is not a shortened season by any means now whatsoever, the championship is genuine because of the amount of races there are.


    That being said... I think this year's MotoGP season and championship are way more exciting than the F1 this season. Even if there was a rather large crash in a recent race...



    That championship has had it's status quo turned completely upside down as the guy who has dominated got injured and all the smaller teams are beating the big ones. The championship is unsprisingly more interesting than F1 as a result.

  4. On 8/22/2020 at 9:24 PM, GenericAperson said:

    Breath of the Wild did have a story... you just had to look for it :p


    Speaking of games where you have to look for some of the plot, here's the latest part of Let's Play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, where we take the train on our way to infiltrating the seed. Just note that the important thing was that we took a train OK? That's why there is added music and sound effects in that section in this LP after all...



    I don't expect anyone to know where the extra music and sound effects come from but huge kudos to you if you do know.

    Or there would be except for the fact that I posted the video at 9 in the evening, posted it on the thread and then nobody posted on this thread until today and in the end nobody actually watched it. Whoops!


    Well, that's a lesson learned, if you can't get the video on time then don't put it in a dead zone. At least this time I have a new episode for you at the correct point so here is Part 30 where the penultimate upgrade is acquired. Part 29 kind of provides contet for Part 30 in a way...



    Can officially confirm this will be a 40 Part LP. The next two episodes are going to be rather more exciting as we do some big things on the Pirate Homeworld...

  5. Breath of the Wild did have a story... you just had to look for it :p


    Speaking of games where you have to look for some of the plot, here's the latest part of Let's Play Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, where we take the train on our way to infiltrating the seed. Just note that the important thing was that we took a train OK? That's why there is added music and sound effects in that section in this LP after all...



    I don't expect anyone to know where the extra music and sound effects come from but huge kudos to you if you do know.

  6. Going to try uploading at 7 for a few days. Editing may be slower due to the fact that I'm running out of space but I've recorded up to Part 31 so all I need to do is get through the backlog. Schedule won't be changed though.


    In the new part, we go back to Skytown with all routes at the Pirate Homeworld leading to dead ends, even with the Grapple Voltage in hand. Fortunately a new route opens up at Skytown for us to traverse.



    I only initially wanted to get the item from Skytown and do a couple of Red Phaazoids and wound up collecting everything in Skytown...

    • Like 2

  7. Bayern will win Champions League at a canter.


    Amazing run of results from Lyon. Looks like it's going to be two French and two German sides in the last 16 with the potential of an all French final (unlikely) or an all German final (more likely).


    Then again, Lyon knocked out Juventus, they are looking like they're going to knock out Man City, they could spring a surprise against Bayern maybe? Likely not, Bayern are too German to allow for any randomness to crop up...

  8. Today's episode is one of the longest in the series. I even had to cut it down to fit everything in.


    However, I also feel it's one of the strongest episodes in the series. It suffered from a few technical difficulties but I tried to make light of it in certain situations. It also copies the thing of a running incident or catchphrase being the name of Part 26 of the LP.


    So... let's...










    I'm sure that thumbnail isn't too much to worry about...

    • Haha 1

  9. So, with Skytown done only one major planet remains... the Pirate Homeworld.


    Starting the Pirate Homeworld in this part in what becomes more of a stealth mission with a neat prize.



    Said prize is in the thumbnail >.>


    I've recorded up to Part 29 now and by my estimation the LP will be a 39 part LP. That means 13 more to go until the LP is complete, with three of those already recorded. Secured myself a supply of AA Batteries to help me last the rest of the LP since my batteries have hit the low point coming into Part 30.

    • Like 1

  10. 4 hours ago, Glen-i said:

    You know, that's my least favourite boss in Prime 3.

    Goes on way too long and it needs way too precise aiming.

    Funny you should say that, in my video I pretty much echo your sentiments. It's just so boring and not particularly challenging although I did die on my first attempt at the boss which ended up being off camera due to having to redo the entire episode. The reason I died was due to overuse of Hypermode.


    Recorded up to Part 28 now, planning on how I will segment the rest of the LP now so that there's a natural flow, the hard part is that I barely remember how the Pirate Homeworld is structured other than certain notable set pieces and the order in which you get the powerups.

  11. Doing an episode every other day seems to be working out...


    ...OK, time for a major episode, we destroy Elysia's Leviathan Seed Shield with a thermonuclear bomb... but not without resistance:



    Have to keep the recording going ahead but I'm having to do some research as my memory of everything that is required in the Pirate Homeworld is patchy outside of the upgrades and the boss fights.


    Also my recording got corrupted when picking up the third bomb unit and I'd already recorded up to Part 24 so had to either play through the entire game up to that point or borrow someone else's footage and credit them for that part, I chose the latter so that's why the missile count is significantly higher at one point.

    • Like 1

  12. What happens when you take the scariest moment in Metroid Prime 3 and then enhance it with the power of video editing to make it even scarier? You get part 21 of my Let's Play of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. That being said... I really don't know how much scarier I actually made it...



    Also get the Seeker Missiles in this and there is a section towards the end where all the scary stuff is dispensed with to get the second bomb component.


    In related news I have just recorded up to the end of Skytown now. Next episode had a moment that saw me burst out in laugher...

  13. I'm surprised the Prime games didn't get mentioned in regards to UI. OK, the games have the advantage of the fact that your character is wearing a suit of armour as it were and is looking through a visor. But so does Halo and yet it displays the info in a fairly standard way. The fact that the Prime games have you directly looking through said visor and then all crucial info like health, ammo, radar, mini-map etc is displayed on said visor in such a natural fashion, it's still one of the best UI designs I've seen in games. Hopefully Prime 4 keeps that sort of design.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  14. Going to be uploading less frequently now to give the episodes time to breathe as they haven't really been seen by people.


    That being said, I did upload Part 20 this evening.



    I used the extra time in editing to make the episode better, I go over version differences between the NTSC, PAL and Trilogy versions in regards to certain rooms and there's also a boss battle in there in the process. So a lot happened but the next episode is going to be particularly notable as it's one of Prime 3's most memorable areas.
