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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. yea, jes a few bits and bobs here and there that make Labour SEEM bad, all the publicity is what brings out only the worst in people, but yea, tony really does need to step down, he has served us pretty well, epsept these past years


    BBC need to "really" look into the games marketplace to have a clue hgow to report on gaming news

  2. ok imagine you were nintendo, you were about to announce this big 3rd secret every1 has been speculating about, and from that quote saying if were hoping nunchuk will have motion sensative to be the only secret, were in for a big surprise. around 9 hours be4, u see sony, revealing thier new "innotive" controller and indeed just adding it recently. would you tell this 3rd secret at E3?



  3. wow so nintendork will the "core" ps3 package really not come with HDMI output , or wireless? I think it will have a 20gig hd and the "full" package will come with a 60gig one.. that's still ridiculous.. what on earth could you need all that horsepower for if you weren't outputting in HD resolutions?



    it is true, with the 20gig model, HDMI / Wi-Fi Disabled and no Card Reader will be there,


    its sonys marketing plan, to say hey we have a reall cheap version, but no1 will want to buy it because it has nothing in it, so all will look at the cheaper price and buy the better PS3

  4. Im still waiting tio kidnap my mother from her daily tasks and sit her down to watch the tennis Video, she doesnt like the idea of games ever since she kept dieing on sonic and pressing up on the D-pad to jump :(


    but im pretty sure she will try this tennis out, also her fiance is interested in the Wii and he was the one that told me thats what it was called, he found out be4 me :( (his source was news on radio)


    he wants to play the golf :)

  5. Im scared of Hights, but i seem to be scared of things i know carry on, but cant see, its like, in murky water/sea. thats why i was afraid to play echo when i was a kid,l and always felt uncomfertable in the sea level in mario 64, with the eel. bit weird but i watched a documentay of a woman scared of birds. made me feel better
