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Everything posted by Shyguy

  1. kalm down ppl it was a big joke, sort of like the contestants on Big Brother :P
  2. Bleach Announced [Scan]

    i hope it does, bleach is gathering alot of good comments and fan i also like Naruto and sad to not see it relased in western shores
  3. Most and Least impressive?

    Nintendo arnt about pixels when it comes to gfx, its about colours and the actual design of the level which makes games like MP and Zelda look absolutly amazing
  4. Wii Retro controller

    looks pretty cool, i hate how things get to compluicated and they end up just leaving a big space for the speakers, its on alot of the DS skins, if they really took time, they could get all the ikkle holes sorted
  5. Cons!

    Quoted for truth
  6. Wii to Launch on November 6th in US

    any1 gonna import if the release is really far apart from US - EU? wonder if the Wii can play region free
  7. Game Critics E3 Awards

    thanks for putting these awards up glad to see the results are not biased in any way, with a whole range of games, i would of thought SSBB got best fighting game, but all we saw is a trailor for it :P
  8. First Wii EU prices for games revealed

    maybe you should give up on gaming if thats your view, or get an N-gage or Gizmondo
  9. Cons!

    lack of online so far is my only con, not mithered much about HD... as i dont have a HD TV and will not get one for a looong time. apart from that, its perfect
  10. Wii is the only console out there not "just a souped up" Gamecube - Wii (totally diff) Xbox - Xbox 360 (new numbers added) PS2 - PS3 (1 change, the number) looks like Xbox and PS are the "souped up ones"
  11. Wii to Launch on November 6th in US

    well we origionally thought we would get in in 2007, so anything in this year is fine for me
  12. most annoying enemy ever

    Lvl 2. Pidgey took me AGES to kill them
  13. for something that is 2-3 more powerful than a gamecube, yet smaller than 3 stacked DVD cases... $250 is a god price, ur also forgetting, CAPPED at £250
  14. I Spy with my little eye! *56 possibly

    dock? i dunno -_-
  15. Post your Fav "Feel good song".

    Village People - YMCA gotta love them peeps
  16. First Wii EU prices for games revealed

    u do realise these are SEGA's prices and not nintendo? if nintendo havent released their prices yet, SEGA are making an estimate, or selling them the ammount that suits them. and Wii is like an updated Gamecube, so i would expect the same prices
  17. Is Nintendo WFC on Wii Missing the boat

    agree tbh they do need a more "Advanced" version of NWFC for Wii so that players can have competative games as well as fun games
  18. Final Fantasy 7 remake. Yes or No?

    hearing Aeris Theme still brings a tear to my eye, this is possibly the only game to get me truly emotionally tangled with the storyline. this is my 3rd best game ever
  19. Sony Fanboys

    i think bookerman is talking about the price related to those objects, but yet, have the same job
  20. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

    thats the problem with some genres, i mean what else can you add new to C&C? strat games only come in a few forms, turn based, and realtime. i have only played Fire Emblem on GBA, and it was a good game, till it erased itself. i guess thats what you get from buying them from Turkey :P
  21. Wii for £120!!!?

    the thing people misunderstand is that Nintendo will buy in bulk, and get a discound, its amazing what buying 6 Million of 1 componant will give a discount on, and at £99.99 the gamecube still makes cash, unlike PS2/PSP which are sold at a major loss (PSP mostly)
  22. Photography.

    Here is one with my dog wearing my sunglasses, i dont have any quality cameras. i dont even ahvea digital camera, just a webcam, and a very cool dog
  23. Adverts That Blow 2006

    I cant believe you guys havent mentioned these adverts: HI, MY NAME'S BARRY SCOTT, AND IM HERE TO TALK ABOUT CILLIT BANG... pisses me right off, but we take the piss at college, and the esure(the man, not the mouse) advert was fantastic :P but for pure brilliance in Adverts, i always love Honda Adverts, the new adverts are great, and the adverts with the flying cartoony engines had a really good jingle to it trhat i kept humming to myself alot :P