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Posts posted by martinist

  1. 1 hour ago, Happenstance said:

    Do you get any of the other deluxe editions? I don't really have the space for manga at the moment with all my comic omnibus' taking up the room so I stopped buying them but I've got the first 3 Berserks, the first Hellsing and am still kind of tempted to grab Trigun just because I loved the anime so much.

    Focusing on Berserk at the moment but the Trigun Deluxe edition looks really nice. Viz also announced a Vagabond Deluxe edition comming out early next year so i might wait for that.

    Other than Berserk, I don't havce any other deluxe editions. Hellsing is only three volumes though so i might look at that in the future.

  2. I saw the series has been released in all sorts of ways. I just grabbed what i saw was avalible at the time. I really just want to read it, not too interested in extra stuff or fancy hardbacks. The Ultimate Collection volumes have a lot of extra stuff like concept art and writer interviews at the back of them but the number of volumes is just going to take up space on my bookshelf. Ended up getting the compendiums since they were so compact compaired ot the other releases, saves me some space.

  3. Ended up buying the three Invincible Compendium volumes including the first Invincible Universe Compedium. Only read the first issue so far. I'm too used to manga, this is the first American comic i've actually tried to read aside from a few old Spiderman and Simpsons issues i had as a kid. Good so far.

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  4. I used to have anxiaty all the time. I still do to be honnest. Had a full blown panic attack on a plane mid flight to Las Vegas in 2018, that was a bit embarrassing. Nothing to trigger it either, was just sitting there, all of a sudden i think i'm gonna have some sort of heart attack. What made it worse was i was on a freaking plane so i was pretty much trapped there, which worsened my anxiaty.

    Used to take diazepam for it, wish i still had those pills. Would knock the shit out of you. Like, can't walk relaxed, think it cuts off a chemical to the brain and relaxes the muscles or something because i couldn't walk straight half an hour after taking one those pills. Addictive though so they really had to pull me off of them.

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  5. I have a series X but i stopped paying for the subscription stuff after i bought PS Premium and i didn't want to pay for three subscriptions to online services at once.

    I don't really play it all that often or as much as i thought i would have. I do enjoy the Forza games though so I wonder whats going to happen to them in maybe a couple of generations from now if Microsoft really does stop manufacturing consoles later down the line.

  6. Last movie i want to see alone was IT before my cinema closed down. Was a really fun time. Got an isle seat and they had these really big table kind of things next to you so i didn't have to put food in my lap or on the floor.

    I often go out to resteraunts alone. The service is actually really fast for some reason when compaired to when i'm out to eat with other people and its surprisingly cheap when you're just paying for one person.

  7. Bought an SD2SP2 pro and one of those Action Replay SD card loaders a few days ago. Had a few problems with SD card formats but i eventually ended up installing swiss and cleanrip onto them. Currently ripping my Gamecube collection onto an SD card. Also installed the Gameboy interface so i can run the Gameboy Player without the disc. Looks alot clearer than what it did with the disc in too.

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