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Everything posted by martinist

  1. European Wii Preorders

    i went down to GAME today an it turns out i'm number 46 on the pre-order list. GAME better get more then 47 wiis or i won't be a happy chappy
  2. they said they would call when they had my Wii in stock so maybe thats why i haven't got a letter
  3. Day two of my endevour and still i have no letter from GAME, which has brought me to the conclusion that: 1. my GAME are not sending out letters 2. my GAME are too small to be confirming pre-orders 3. my GAME all ready have enought wii's to fill the pre-orders i'll just head down to GAME on december 8th and present my slip and money letter or no letter
  4. European Wii Preorders

    Still no letter from GAME today, maybe tomorrow. Or maybe my GAME is just too small to send out letters or that they allready have enough Wii's to fill the pre-orders. I didn't give them my address when i pre-ordered but they already must have it. I don't think my GAME are taking pre-orders any more so thats quite a relaxing thought
  5. Steam Accout Thief Gets PWNED

    "go mow some yards bitch"...classic
  6. European Wii Preorders

    i haven't gotten a letter from GAME yet, maybe i'll get one tomorrow, if it says they can't fulfill my pre-order i'll be pissed although i was seccond to pre-order the thing
  7. Steam Accout Thief Gets PWNED

    rofl, that guy just got PoWnEd
  8. What was the last song you listened to?

    Tigarah - Girl Fight japanese techno girl bands rock 8/10
  9. Wii Hardware Discussion

    whats that yellow papery thingy next to the sensor bar?
  10. 60 days, 60 chances.

    the only scottish venue i can see is glasgow uni, nowhere near dumfries
  11. One last secret - and its BIG!

    its probebly going to be somthing really stupid
  12. Wii or Zune?

    if it were me i'd just go for the wii, but really in the en its entirely up to you
  13. Rate the last film you saw

    Ju-On: the grudge:A classic piece of japanese horrer at its best, much better than the sequel 7/10 Ichi the Killer: Director Takeshi Miiki (DOA/Audition) produces a film based off the popular manga, a grate film in all aspects 8/10
  14. new Wii promo video

    thid is the best damn thing i've ever saw today
  15. Camp out guide!

    My GAME isn't doing a midnight launch so i guess i'll just get it on december 8th at about 11 o'clock
  16. Games that break your controllers!

    I lost an N64 controler to Goldeneye by squeezing the z button to hard
  17. Halloween Costumes

    i agree, go as a suicide bomber or "a ghost"
  18. Playing Cube Titles with Classic Controller?

    i don't really know at the moment, maybe nintendo will release some info on that shortly, although releasing information and advertising isn't really Nintendo's strong point
  19. me and a few other people are sick to death of Nintendorks attitude In my GAME store there is no advertising and only a few pre-orders have been made, probebly because of the lack of advertising by nintendo, but i suppose when it gets closser to the release date more people will become aware of it.
  20. cool can't wait for the rest of this to be put up on youtube
  21. Wii Marketing Frenzy

    yeay! european publicity
  22. i really don't want to play the wii before it comes out in the UK, that would spoil it all for me, i want my first play of the wii to be right here in my bedroom.
  23. Argos now taking preorders (uk release list)

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wii there should be a list of EU launch games if you scroll down a bit although i don't particularly trust wikipedia