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Status Updates posted by martinist

  1. There was indeed. There was also drinking from nipples! Yer ma's nipples that is! :P

  2. Damn you Arthurs! I really wanted that cookie! :P

  3. sleepeh Ahthurs is sleepeh...still though, i thought you were murdered or something, by sex starved women. Death by sex!!

  4. Stuffs is fine, going about stuffs as usual.

  5. Aaaaahhhthurs...

  6. Do not dissapoint me next year sir...you shall regret it!! :P

  7. I'll send you the specs of it in a PM.

  8. I'd rather do stuff with yer ma!

  9. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahthurs

  10. Best thing ever...I'll see ya when you're comming back up whenever that is

  11. I use skype, I thought it logged me in automatically when I log into my laptop but it didn't. So that's why I haven't been on in forever :P It'll log me in when I come on now though so I'll be on allot more from now on. Also hooked my laptop up to a 50" flat screen...tis' amazing. Now I have big internets.

  12. Someone on here remembered my birthday!? im a happy man! thanks alot

  13. I think theres something wrong with your MSN or something, i haven't gotten a reply in the last few days....b000h Arthurs! you're ignoring meee!!!

  14. It wasn't big enough :P

  15. My e-mail account has been acting up for a hell of a long time, no idea how to fix it so i just delete the crap i get all the time.

  16. ronery hannah is ronery

  17. too late :P just chalk that one up to my refusal to shop around...
