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About MGSFAN81

  • Birthday 05/19/1981


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Game Info

  • Wii Console Number
    7615 1249 3729 7845

MGSFAN81's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Got my copy this morning, excellent game, will post my friend code when i have sorted my wifi out.
  2. Mine are:- 1) Resident Evil 4 2) Zelda: Wind Waker 3) Metroid Prime 4) Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door 5) Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes 6) Harvest Moon 7) Smash Bros Mele 8) Zelda Twighlight Princess 9) Mario Sunshine 10) Animal Crossing Still others that arn`t included, like Mario Kart, Luigis Mansion, Pikmin 1/2 and ETC
  3. ps2 version is an excellent game, so it may be interesting too see what the Wii version is like.
  4. just Zelda, wasnt sure about any others but may purchase others soon.
  5. Hi, please pm me if u have added me. code is in my sig.
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