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Everything posted by EEVILMURRAY

  1. The wife is down there in her Professor capacity on the TCG teaching area (I think?), the amount of swag they get for their time is staggering.
  2. Stranger Things

    Was it ever established in season 1 whether - it was the kid communicating via the Christmas lights whilst in the upside down, or whether it was explained how he managed to do it when he was huddled singing The Clash? This one thing not being explained has ruined my desire to watch season 2
  3. It was on Netflix when I watched it a few years back.
  4. The Star Wars Thread

    Apart from it saying "Witness the beginning of Rebellion", that trailer gave me nothing. Zero interest at this point.
  5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    I both love it and hate it when you get great sax portions. Because they sound awesome, but then remind me of how far I've got to go
  6. It's worth it for a fiver. There have been a few months where I've not watched much, but for those binge seshes, the removal of ads is amazing.
  7. Fuck! Missed out again. Which part of "Notify me" button clicking did they not get? Recieved no message at all. Wankers. If anyone sees it again, please harass me via the Facebook
  8. Here's hoping. I would play the original but I need to find a cable so my N64 will connect to my telly.
  9. Fingers mega crossed for Goemon 1 and maybe 2.
  10. Netflix

    H'WHAT?! That flew past me.
  11. Netflix

    Question about Stranger Things, did they ever get round to explaining how the kid from Ghostbusters Afterlife was managing to communicate to Ryder when all the while he was huddled in a hole singing The Clash? I've restarted watching The Good Place, knowing what happens in advance gives things a new twist, plus I can actually binge it, as I had to take the last coupla seasons on an episode a week format. Vintage I know.
  12. Tattoos

    Boombastic bump But the markings of my Red/Blue squad is immortalised!
  13. I'm wanting one of those sweet N64 controllers to use with this, because playing with the Switch controller is bollocks, but Nintendo don't seem to know a boombastic business model and aren't giving the people what they want (and I'm resisting the ebay scalper temptation) has anyone been using any of the third party ones available?
  14. Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet

    Will it be a thing that the legendary with two jet engines for an anus will be another genetic 'mon like Genesect?
  15. N-E Book Club (or just a chat about books)

    Wow! I've not heard that name in awhile, I read one of the versions of that whilst I was at uni, oooh... about16 years ago. Depressing! As much as I love physical books, their natural size and my desire to keep them in a good condition means I don't take them out of the house unless it's for an extended stay, so I finally bowed to my Dad's recommendation of a Kindle which he had been touting the benefits of for awhile (as a bus driver he gets periods of downtime between shifts) and asked for one for my birthday. Plus it meant those books I got from Humble Bundles I didn't either have to A) sit at my computer to read or B) attempt to read a whole book on my phone (which I have done a coupla times, it does grate) It's been under two months and I've read the following (taking full advantage over the free Kindle reads): Crimes Against Magic - Hellequin Chronicles part 1 - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13608133-crimes-against-magic 1984 - not bad, surprised he didn't die at the end A Time of Dread - Of Blood and Bone part 1 - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/34392663-a-time-of-dread - I'll will be getting more of these if the price comes down. The Mortal Blade - Magelands Eternal Siege part 1 - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54800094-the-mortal-blade? - I liked this also, and will be getting more once I've finished Hellequin, I did consider bouncing between next stages in the series, but worried myself things would blur, so this is on hold. Ghoulslayer - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54800094-the-mortal-blade? - one of the Warhammer Black Library books I got from a Humble Bundle. Chosen: Beautiful Ones Trilogy Part 1(Cassandra Programme Series) https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50895491-chosen - This started off slow and then went to 200 way to quick in an extreme way which put me right off wanting to read more* Currently reading Born Of Hatred, the second in the Hellequin Chronicles books, over halfway in under a week. Physically I've just gone through A Court of Thorns and Roses Series by Sarah J Maas, borrowing them from someone at work. Bit of fantasy mixed in with some hardcore plowing at parts. I've never read/watched Twilight, but I imagine they're not too dissimilar. Just finished The Black Coast by Mike Brooks, bought on a whim, not a bad book, but I didn't care enough to invest in the next in the books. The use of pronouns to dictate social standing (he/hé and various other lines above the e), was off-putting to the point where I just ignored it, and the constant use of people referring to themselves in the third person felt more like a way to pad the word count than trying to create a foreign dialogue. I'll still try to enjoy physical books, I've got a copy of Heroes by Stephen Fry which has been on the bedside for years now looking at me.
  16. Job woes/wins

    The person who I worked with, got this job so I've been working under her for a year, decided to apply for the role above hers as that person had moved on. She got it, which left her role up for grabs. applied, did a bit more prep and got it this time. Woo! Now they need to put out the vacancy for my old job
  17. Return to Monkey Island

    Woo! I'm hoping it doesn't rewrite the series, because I've always wondered what happened between being stuck on Big Whoop, and then floating in the middle of the ocean on a bumper car
  18. So the Funimation app will soon be redundant? If not already
  19. What Have You Bought?

    Some shizzle from 3DS eShop before they close. I had £9 on my balance it seemed, but had to buy another voucher, because paying exact price for stuff is crazy apparently. And this was at a boombastic discount, under £4 So now I've got £6 left on balance and I dunno what to get. Maybe the second Boxboy game or something... any recommendations?
  20. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (28th January 2022)

    I think I'm about 45ish. Maybe not even that.
  21. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (28th January 2022)

    I'm down to needing Umbreon, Togetic/kiss, Pichu, Wyrdeer and I think that's it. But with two of those needing happiness (I'm going to try that flying Togetic but those flying balls are a pain to use), and there are nosl side missions left, I'm not sure if I can be bothered. The game starts off slow, which is fine, builds up nicely but too quickly, plateau'ing way too soon so that by the end you've got a fair bit to do, but bugger all to do. I spent yesterday watching Deep Space Nine with the Switch undocked (a massive rarity) stood nearby with me periodically checking the map for a distortion so I could get the fossil dudes.
  22. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (28th January 2022)

    How exactly do you "investigate" these massive mass outbreaks? I'm trying to for a mission, I've caught batches, I've beaten the shit out of others, but it doesn't tick it off the list.
  23. Home Improvement / DIY

    The missus needed some space to hang a wok and a pan, we don't really have anything available. So I bought some thick screws, had them come out either side of a cupboard, pow, handles for pans.
  24. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (28th January 2022)

    I'm starting to feel this more and more, the credits have rolled and all I'm stuck with are a small handful of missions, the majority of which are the "catch the rare Pokémon", I'm not entirely sure how the Weather Trio will appear in their respective areas during these storms, but I'll have a little fap about before I get bored and Google it. I spent the majority of yesterday sleeping on and off to get a full moon for the Clefairy mission, whilst trying to complete the Cherrim entry for another. It's amazing how many aren't in trees when you want them. In the end I just had to use agile tackles against a Luxray which shortly knocked me out + short trek to the camp = rinse and repeat. I don't know if I'll have the energy to complete the 'dex. I'm getting the sensation that it's more of a slog than walking in the wild grass and hoping for something rare to jump out. I'm not sure why they've gone with the anime trope of people whipping off their clothes to show their "true form", especially when they look fucking stupid and not even hinted (from memory) that they're anything other than what they were originally (Pokémon "Wielder"?! really?!). The only one who ever had that effect was Giovanni being the Viridian Gym Leader, and he didn't need a wardrobe change.
  25. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (28th January 2022)

    What's peoples' practices when doing the dex? Currently (just settled 2nd frenzied mon, 3 star) and trying to move away from the loyal members staying in my squad, rotating out to get missions done (Quilava exception) I'm trying to get multiple missions done simultaneously, for example my last shafting was using my Barboach to use Mud ball (or something) on Shinx's to take them out, do so with a ground move and using that move a number of times. But the thing that's dampening my flow is that I'm standing by the pastures, seeing in the den what move I'd like to use multiple times, then going into the pastures menu and seeing if that 'mon has that move, rinse and repeat. (Currently pimpsmacking Drifloons with Gastly's Astonish)