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Posts posted by DanielTimothy

  1. But you're basing that on your own taste... assuming that everyone would consider her hot just because you do.


    No offence Shorty but you shoulden't read to much into these things they aren't worth it. The Video was funny. The Blonde girl had a cute voice. ;)


    Maverick good man! Everyone else needs to watch "Forever Red". :)

  2. The parts when you know something is going to happen? or when he´s going to say something stupid.

    Also the fillers, i read the fillers wont end til next year and there have been fillers seen last year.

    I just find this show overall seriously overrated and boring


    The good out weighs the bad IMO. I can't predict what happens most of the time, I must be thick. :wtf:


    I'm not trying to say everyone should love it. I just think thats silly reasoning. :)

  3. meh i watched a couple naruto episodes and i didn´t like it very much found it kinda predictble and not very much fun :hmm:


    What part did you find predictable? :hmm:


    I love it. Some episodes can drag. The Gaara climax frustrated the hell out of me. Otherwise I don't see what's not to like.

  4. My thoughts exactly, i'm going to florida on 22nd and i was organising movies and music to put on psp for plane and i was gonna take ds as well, but now i can't have them with me and i'm gonna be so bored:cry: , don't get me wrong i'm relieved that security is upped as i'm scared of flying.


    The flight to America is a bitch. I feel sorry for you. Having nothing to do is even more torture. Happy days. :)

  5. We're not talking about the worst console, we're talking about the most disappointing. Yes, Gamecube was a great console with some great games, but dig out some old magazines and plunder some internet archives and you will see that it promised so much more than it actually delivered. I don't think the Virtual Boy hype machine was ever really that big, and its failure not all that surprising.


    Reading that I can understand why it was dissapointing. I just bought the Resident Evil 4 Gamecube pack for 45 quid though and I'm a very happy man. I got cravings to play Tales, Resi and even Windwaker after ridding myself of my cube a while back. I tried to wait for Wii . . . Ah well. :)

  6. I think this has already been explained. It shocked me when I first heard it. Power Rangers is footage from the japanese show sentai. Sentai changes Rangers/Zords every year/season. The original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had a three season run. They made the most of what we loved back then as best they could. After that they had to change the rangers and the theme. So they aren't just bleeding the idea into different ways, the American show has to follow the Japanese Sentai to get footage for the zords and ranger battles.


    I tried some of the different series, I didn't find it all that bad. Can I suggest to everyone to try and watch the episode "Forever Red" Its an all American Episode and was made for fans.


    Also http://www.rangercentral.com/main-database.htm Is great to check up on all the old toys and timelines. :)

  7. They left in protest to being pretty extortionately underpaid. Their walk out had no negative effect on the ratings whatsoever.


    That was around the time that Tommy (Green, White, Red Zeo, Black Dino Thunder Ranger) was the whole show. Probably why the ratings didn't suffer although Jason Is the ultimate ranger of all time.


    EEvil thankyou for this thread!
