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Posts posted by DanielTimothy

  1. Nacho Libre - 5 / 10


    Jack Black


    Comedy about a friar who works his way up wrestling ladder to save his orphanige. It had me laughing out loud, which suprised me. The parts that managed to do that though had nothing to do with the plot or the film. The sting was I wanted to see a mother fucking plane with snakes on, though that didn't look very good to everyone else aparantly. Luckily they all hated nacho so I took advantage of my bragging rights on the way home. :)

  2. They've done great with the DS!!


    I would agree with you, however after hearing that horrible japanese womans voice selling the DS in the breaks of 9 out of 10 cats I'm not so sure. That might just be in the UK though. *Shudders*


    NOE will need more of a kick up the arse to sell the Wii.

  3. No complaints with how I look, It's never held me back from anyone/anything.


    Is red hair a good or bad thing? I have a slight tint, which I have no problem with. Would you guys be proud?


    Also I hate having just two arms . . . etc

  4. Sheena was way hotter than Raine IMO, Im all about the chest! As for Zelos, he was cool but Kratos was in a league of his own. Im also a fan of Regal, at first I didnt like him but as the game moves along you ind out he is quite a deep character.


    Chest or no chest, she was your teacher for christs sake. I liked Kratos more when you didn't know who he was.
