Im in awesome relationship at the moment.
8 weeks. I hope it carrys on going well.
Anyways i did something VERY stupid. Monday night after the valedictory ball i went to my friends house and we all got drunk etc. Got home and my neighbour whos 18 while im 16, saw me and asked for a hug. She then kissed me and it led to a full blown kiss.
I went on msn after and told her that was the biggest mistake in my life iv ever made, and thats saying something.
I dont think she'll find out but i feel terrible. I saw my gf today and when holding her i felt so guilty. I dont wanna lose her as shes one person i genuenially care for, so much.
I dont wanna tell her as i know she will be deeply upset, her family and friends wont like me, and will also look bad on me as people will look upon me as some weirdo. Bearing in mind my neighbour is some fat mosher (sorry, but its true)
Iv never felt so terrible in my whole life.