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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. I hate that some people think weed is as bad as heroin.

    exactly.. not everyone is a violent drunk... in my experience - everyone who ive seen drunk - it hasnt been a good thing..
  2. I hate that some people think weed is as bad as heroin.

    i probably wont u know :P.. (and i dont believe anyone can be a great drunk..) ahh well
  3. I hate that some people think weed is as bad as heroin.

    not really i have my reasons.. (therefore i know im quite a boring person to be around - )
  4. I hate that some people think weed is as bad as heroin.

    huh,. in a way im definately like her i refuse to be friends with people who drink and smoke... and therefore am friends with like 2 people
  5. How was your day?

    law and order uk is awful awful awful awful
  6. How was your day?

    yay! my degree isnt completely useless
  7. How was your day?

    this is probably wrong but the only thing i can think of is Non-diegetic (like narration n the soundtrack) + diegetic (characters voices, sounds made by objects in a film like radio, instruments)
  8. sneak? me? no one will sneak me anywhere...
  9. yeh im going with nando so ill be sharing with him
  10. How was your day?

    ill drive u anywhere you want! (over the summer... when i pass my test
  11. How was your day?

    barratts has been put into administration think theres a very very good chance ive lost my job what a way to start the weekend :D** *sarcasm
  12. Weight Loss 2009

    hey well done! since the start of january ive lost about 7-9lbs and am at my lowest weight for about 4 years (woo!) gonna re-join the gym at uni i think... so cheap!
  13. How was your day?

    could be made redundant or whatever cause barratts has gone into administration boo - hopefully it wont cause u know.. i like the money n such (like the people) have seriously buggered up my foot.. the doctor said it was tendonitis. Oh and its my first day back at work since like 3 weeks ago tomorrow so im pretty nervous
  14. The University Thread 08/09

    queens is awesome! i so wish i went there ./ if only they did my course!
  15. The University Thread 08/09

    belfast? woo which one? and which course? r_a did tell me one day but i completly forgot :P
  16. How was your day?

    its so annoying not being able to ..walk.. n stuff.. and so freakin sore! and i miss walkin my dogs cause i like the exercise!! ive no idea how ive actually hurt myself - i think i strained them or somethin and i hate taking pills
  17. How was your day?

    ugh.. ive buggered my feet up.. all swollen n swore... went to a and e today and the doctor was like - STAY off your feet for the next 3 days.. and take lots of tablets and im like noooooooooo cause when people tell me to take it easy and stay off my feet is when i get the urge to do lots - like tidy my room n stuff :P
  18. The P-p-p-punofficial N-E Quiz

    is 39 bugsy malone?
  19. Weight Loss 2009

    i just measured myself this morning and im just at 10stone for the first time since i left school like a year and a half ago woooo!!!!!! makes going slightly hungry worth it :P
  20. me and greg are a definate 100% wooohooo (only if its those dates tho as thats the dates we'll bein london)
  21. woo yeh! if we have enough money and find a place to stay and figure out how the heck to get there we shall be there
  22. How was your day?

    am 3 days into my 3 week placement at neelb tv (north east education board television) which is like an online tv station for the education system - they also provide programmes for information tv which is a channel on sky its like AWESOME they even gave me a mac book for the 3 weeks im there and its like cool i so want one
  23. Weight Loss 2009

    "The number of calories in a food is a measure of how much potential energy that food possesses. A gram of carbohydrates has 4 calories, a gram of protein has 4 calories, and a gram of fat has 9 calories"
  24. How much do you spend on food a week?

    when at uni i spend about 10 a week on food for just lil ol me and that includes dinner for 2 on tuesdays (cause gregs there) tho i do go home at the weekend so saturday and sunday night my dad cooks and that includes toiletries and cleaning stuff for around the house
  25. Weight Loss 2009

    but full of sugar :P.. not that healthy and such for you :P