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Everything posted by fex

  1. Vista Thread

    Hmmm. They don't like to make it easy..... I'm just wondering if it's worth buying....or is it worth waiting till Windows 7 gets released. Windows 7 is planned for a release this year right?
  2. Vista Thread

    Do all the retail versions of Vista contain both 32bit and 64bit versions
  3. CASE Antec P182 Gunmetal - £106.98 PROCESSOR Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4Ghz - £156.89 CPU FAN Unsure MOTHERBOARD Unsure RAM OCZ 4GB DDR2 1066MHz - £64.99 HARD DRIVE Western Digital 640GB Green Power - £55.63 GRAPHICS CARD Unsure - Although a fanless Card would be ideal PSU Unsure Can you help me fill in the blanks? The machine will mainly be used for Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign. Gaming isn't a big priority therefore I don't want to go OTT in the GFX department. I'm trying to keep the cost under £600 and to remain near silent, theres nothing worse than a noisy PC. I plan on ordering and building this by the end of April, I just need to ensure I can deliver what I want within my budget.
  4. Building a Silent PC

    I was thinking of a Gigabyte motherboard somewhere in between £50 and £100.... any suggestions
  5. Building a Silent PC

    Wow thanks for that link Raining! God I could spend loads of money! Is there a great deal of difference in a £50 motherboard and one priced at £100?
  6. Evolution of visual mediaings

    Forget buying your new swanky HDTV..... Ultra High Definition is the way to go!
  7. Live Music

    I've seen to many bands to list them all. I've see New Found Glory every time they tour. Their gigs are so energetic!
  8. Tickets Touts

    Touts are the Scum of the Universe. Tickets should be printed with some kind of ID of them. There is no way someone should pay x2 as much for a gig. Plus I HIGHLY doubt touts declare this as a second income, therefore I'm surprised the government hasn't made an effort to try and correct this. Glasto has is spot on. If people can't go then they should sell their tickets on at the original value. I've bought tickets for a gig I couldn't make, I sold the tickets on eBay at the price that I paid for them.
  9. Finally ended an F-ed up relationship

    This maybe in case in your relationship, but in mine I split everything 50/50. Please don't be a narrow-minded idiot and sexually stereotype people.
  10. Messy Mess

    Wow. Those messy shots are pure lazyness, I don't understand how people can live like that. You dirty dogs! It's so much easier to clean up as you go along.
  11. Rate the last film you saw

    JOINT SECURITY AREA It's a bit slow in places, very choppy and a few scenes which didn't really need to be in there. But it was pretty good, the picture that was taken in the middle of the film, is shown in detail at the end of them film & it has to be one of the best uplifting ends to a movie I've ever seen. I can't say I know alot about the Korean War sooo that didn't help, but over all it was s'good! 3.5/5
  12. How was your day?

    I remember a few years ago back, I didn't go to college one day and I ended up killing some time and read my 'scope and it said take the day of! How did they know?! LOL Lucky coincidence me thinks. I don't know why there not banned, Im sure theres plenty of crazy people out there who do read them and alter their lives to fit in with what they have interpreted.
  13. Windows 7

    I hate how Microsoft must release loads of versions of the same product, its just confusing. If they needed multiple versions they could just have two a Home / Ultimate otherwise just do what apple do and release one version with everything on!
  14. It's been a while since I have been signed up to any usenet service and I was thinking of signing back up again. I'm fairly sure I was with UsenetServer, but it's been so long. So how are you signed up with and how do you rate them?
  15. Best Usenet Service

    I'm sure it has legal purposes, but my use wasn't so legal. I basically used it to get albums, film, tv eps, software etc. It's basically just a download service but instead of using torrents, which the majority of the time take ages to download due to the lack of seeders, usenet was always fast on the download. If you download a lot of stuff, or don't feel like waiting 5 days for a torrent to download its well worth it
  16. Team Fortress 2

    I had TF2 for the 360 and it played horrendously bad. PC version is 500x better, great game! Did anyone play TFC?
  17. I flicked over for two minutes and saw Paris' night club and the fake dolled up whores and thought, FUCK RIGHT OFF. Who's shitty idea was is? They should be fired. Not only that OFCOM should fine ITV for airing this trash
  18. Anime and manga discussion

    I watched the first episode of Ghost In The Shell and thought WTF? I don't understand anything. I haven't seen the movie, would it be wise to watch that first? Or does it just throw you in at the deep end?
  19. How was your day?

    I've tried finding it on Google Maps and theres nothing! Maybe google earth will help if not its a conspiracy!
  20. Mac Screen Help

    HELP! Ok so for some stupid reason I changed the resolution on my iBook to a resolution that is unsupported. Now when I turn my iBook on the screen Flashes Red, Green & Blue etc. And I can't change the res back to 1024 x 768. Does anyone know how to get this problem sorted? Thanks
  21. Mac Screen Help

    Thanks for that idea! I was able to get in loaded up in 1024 x 768. Then I restarted as normal, yet it reverted back to its normal self. So I re-booted in safe mode again, then changed the display to 800 x 600, restarted as normal and it loaded up at 800 x 600. I then tried to change the resolution to 1024 x 768, now once its selected it doesn't turn to 1024 x 768. Nothing changes once 1024 x 768 is selected. Any other ideas? I don't really fancy re-installing the OS
  22. Post Your Desk/Bizarre Set up

    I'd zap you with my wireless beams, though I'm a wired guy myself.
  23. Vista Thread

    I'm thinking about doing the same thing! I have an iBook and I am desperate for an upgrade! Ideally I'd want a headless iMac. And thats not going to happen. So I'm thinking of building myself a PC, around £600 / 700 gets you a machine that not a million miles off a £1700 Mac Pro. It's been there awful updates which have annoyed me recently. The mac mini hasn't been updated in 538 days, mac pro 384 days. The only thing stopping me switching back is the OS. Though Windows 7 is certainly looking good. How come your thinking of switching back?
  24. Post Your Desk/Bizarre Set up

    That Logitech keyboard you mentioned a few posts ago they have it @ eBuyer for £79.99. It sure looks nice, I can't say I'd use the circular track pad though.