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Everything posted by fex

  1. Star Wars: The Old Republic

    I agress the Star Wars IP has been overused. But I wouldn't say a waste of time, a fully voiced mmo where your choices actually make a difference (very much Mass Effect stylee) sounds good to me.
  2. Star Wars: The Old Republic

    20 minutes of gameplay has been posted on IGN It is sure shaping up to be a great looking game
  3. I returned... New Category Person with the least number of Votes
  4. not a single vote... well screw you all. Im leaving these forums forever
  5. Guild Wars 2

    I love the art direction and style of those screen shots. I played through the first and whilst I enjoyed it. There were alot of flaws and down sides to the game. I hope they make some great improvements over the first.
  6. Post Your Purchases

    Awesome thats 90% the same as my next build. Instead of the Antec 900 I'm going for the Antec P183 and i'll be going for a smaller HD. Did you order that bundle from Overclockers?
  7. Aion

    Terrible graphics? Far from it. They look absolutely fine by me. Dont worry Deathjam, it'll be here before we know it!
  8. Aion

    Man those shots look sweet. I can't wait, just over a month till release. It's going to be a long month! I hope this game gets a good subscription base. I'm sure this will take some players away from WoW.
  9. Fantasy Football 2009 - 2010!

    THREE CHEERS FOR TIM HOWARD! worst choice ever.........
  10. Aion

    awww sweetness! Those shots look damn good! I love the UI. I think I'm gonna upgrade my computer to an i7 with 6 gigs of ram. Might have to keep this graphics card for a while long whilst I save up some more moolar. From what I've seen taking down a enemy (pve) seems a lot more challenging than WoW. Whats the leveling speed in comparison with WoW? Not a chance on your netbook unfortunately. I'd always build my own PC but thats because I'm anal about parts. If your normal then check out Overclockers for £560 this aint too shabby. I'm sure theres other good deals out there this is the first once I looked at.
  11. Surround Sound System

    THE ANSWER I think you best getting something like a sound bar. I have no experiance of what these are like, but they basically imitate surround sound. Obviously, your not going to beat a 5.1 system. £294 on amazon, I'm sure this was £1000 when it came out!
  12. Aion

    Awww man I jealous. I wish I could play. The more I watch a ranger the more I don't think its for me purely because of the kiting. What specs are your computers? I've got my brothers old machine which isn't working atm. I think it needs a new HD then it will be fine and dandy. Will it run ok on these specs? Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz - E8800 ATi x1950pro 3Gb Ram
  13. Aion

    WoW's cap is lvl 80. You should get Aion. And we should all hit up the same server! Whats the difference between the Factions? I prefer the look of Eylos. After staring at the hideous Horde I'm ready for staring at some beauty
  14. Aion

    I've contemplating on buying the CE, mainly for the bonuses like the black cloud winds. The only place I can find it is online @ £45 which is hella steep! I'm 90% sure I will go for the regular edition from somewhere like gameplay. It's £24.99 saving a tenner from buying it online and saving myself £20 for an extra 10 seconds worth of flying. I'm just trying to do a bit or research on class. I was a priest in WoW and don't want to heal anymorz. I'm thinking of rocking either an Assassin or Ranger.
  15. Pookiablo's JSA Thread

    You know they changed it because 99% of the country who go. Zune WTF?!
  16. Pookiablo's JSA Thread

    My friend, well not really seen him in years. Saved £800 from his dole money and spent it on a new PC. Hes been on the dole for around 4 years. He lives with his parents and uses the money for nights out and other social activities. They should get food vouchers. Its a fucking disgrace! Really?! I couldn't sign on for JSA because I hadn't contributed enough during the last tax year. I had rent and bills to pay (around £500 a month) never mind the fact my old employer owed me £1900 in wages. Instead of tossing it off, I went out and got a fucking job! Fucking iPod get your priorities straight!
  17. Aion

    I've only just found out about this game. And WOW it looks beautiful. That login screen is amazing. I'm really tempted to buy this. The lack of classes is something I'm worried about, perhaps a lack of options, I may be comparing this to WOW to much where there was an abundance of classes and trees in which to specialise. The subscription setup is fantastic, you purchase 280 hours (or whatever it actually is) worth of play and can use that up as and when you wish. I always felt I had to cram as much time into WOW as possible to get my moneys worth. And as a casual player (compared the some) this may be cheaper than WOW. A few questions I have Whats the level cap? Is there PVP games? like Arathi Basin? Why is this game £10 extra to buy through Steam!? (I'd prefer to buy through steam) So who here is getting this game? If so let us know what server your planning on joining.
  18. Fantasy Football 2009 - 2010!

    I'm in...I haven't heard of half of my players.....GAME ON!
  19. How...'easy' is Linux?

    Grab Ubuntu. If all you need is to browse the net, listen to music and watch videos then its fine. Ubuntu will do all of that out of the box without messing with any settings. You can install WINE if you need to run any Windows programs.
  20. I was asked by my partners boss if I would be willing to design him a new website. His old website is here is really dated and the company was charging him £120 a month for maintenance etc, he complained and they knocked it down to £70. Which is crazy to say all they really do is print out a stats page and send it to him every month. His new website is here whilst not 100% complete you can get a good feel for the quality and how the overall look for the website. I would like to update his His company logo (probably unlikely) Reposition a few images as they don't seem to site right (eg. the image on the home page) Incorporate the navigation (Home, Eyecare, Services etc.) onto the main body as tabs instead of floating. Create a newsletter subscription The main question is how much do I charge for this design? Whilst I've never made a website before I cannot charge by the hour or set a price based on how much time I have invested into this website as I had a lot of trail and error and researching CSS etc. He did me a favor allowing me design his site. I do want the pay to reflect the time and effort I have put into the site. Could anyone give me a rough ball park figure? Thanks
  21. I can't believe he used to pay £120 a month to the company for hosting and for them to print him out a stats page and post it. Then if any changes needed to be made to they would charge him extra. OUCH! I was thinking in the region of £300. With no monthly charge just a small fee when he needs anything to be updated. I don't want seem unfair as he didn't have to offer me the work, and the website is basic and could quiet easily go a few months without any changed therefore I don't feel a monthly fee would be appropriate. I've just found out about Google Analytics today and I've already slipped it in
  22. Windows 7

    I'm sure its still running until early August.... if you can find a copy
  23. Windows 7

    Well in that case pre-order for £45. Wait for a few months for everything to be ironed out then install the OS. And you've still saved £45.... still a no brainer unless ppl have money to throw away
  24. Post Your Purchases

    Where did you get the PS3 from?