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Everything posted by Philoss

  1. I did not post since E3... my life totaly changed since then, but (who cares ?)... Let say I'm back just in time. I'm with you for the next hours. ________ Vaporizer wiki
  2. Could voice recognition be in there ? It's been 2 or 3 years since I didn't heard about voice command in a game, but the last time I heard about it, you could configure it to make some move/command. ex : Switch visors in Metroid... say "X-ray". It would fit with the easier/everyone-can-understand/take-and-play/put-in-everyone-hands control type Nintendo wants to push. ________ Washington Dispensaries
  3. I like to do stupid predictions. 1st : Nintendo (i really think this) 2nd : Sony 3rd : Xbox360 I don't know why, but some people owning a PS2 don't even seem to consider buying another console than the PS3. That's why I put Sony 2nd. Xbox360 is not far behind, as Nintendo is not that far ahead. All in all, it would be a big loss for Sony, while a big win for the big N. ________ Live sex webshows
  4. That's faith ! ________ JuicyCakes
  5. There's a difference between halogen lamps and halogen spots. 50W bulbs would probably not interfer with the sensor bar, while 500W could. In Canada, they are common, nearly half of my home's bulbs are halogen. ________ Web shows
  6. Edjamakated, there's no need to write IMPORTANT at the top of your topic, we'll read it anyway. In fact, I came close to not read it because of this introduction. I hope that you don't foresee what will come to be the third secret, because a telephone can do all that, and I never use it. ________ Marijuana card
  7. There's a lot of discussion on which color to buy, which is your favorite, etc. I can tell you that I prefer the white one over the black, but that's not the topic of this reply. Who told you the Wii was going to launch in black and white ? At last year E3, five colors were showed (and the lime green one was looking tremendously good). Then, at TGS, only the black version appeared. And now we have seen the white/blue/black colors presented in Los Angeles, while the white dominated. Nintendo is trying different colors to see our react. As long as I remember (and I now that you'll correct me if I am wrong), Nintendo home consoles always launched in a unique color : - (S)NES : grey... no match here - N64 : black - Cube : Purple They were later released in others "flavours". I think this statement is still true for the portable market (but I know nothing to it). Then why would it be different this time ? On a side note, multiple colors make advertising harder, just like if you were advertising multiple products. This leads me to a statement : The Wii will launch in a unique color ! The white has the wider appeal in a gamer/non gamer, young/old perspective, so I think the apple white will be chosen. ________ A_DIAMOND live
  8. Last year, I felt like this game was looking better thant anything we had seen on the cube (Metroid, Sunshine's water, Wind waker, etc...) and I believed it pushed the cube hardware to its very limit. Now it looks even better... on scans ! which can not give full measure. If this is still runing on cube, then imagine what Nintendo could do with a PS3 in hands : Shrek II is a shame. I can't say for sure, but I think both game will be the same in terms of polygons, but that the Wii version will have better textures, lightning and effects as well as 16:9 aspect (which represents 33% more pixel/work). If you're right, than Nintendo. ________ Live Sex Webshows
  9. Answer to YenRug : I could easily fit a unique SD slot in that space, but There shall be two of them, and I assume they would be in the same place. If you place two SD card slot vertically, you need some space between them (for your fingers), and it would be more than a cm high (even though I have small fingers). If you place them horizontally, it would take 2 x 24mm = 48 mm plus a bit of space between them and on both side, which is a bit large, and not thick enough. I didn't want to say that Nintendo is going to switch to Compact flash, but rather that they were using it to develop the console. Memory cards don't need to be tested, so they could change it at the last second without problem. ________ Medical marijuana
  10. Still, do you think Game boy games could be downloadable on virtual console ? I never owned a portable console, so there's a lot of game that I would like to play. ________ Zamantha live
  11. If you put it on top of the TV, you won't even see the wire. ________ Medical marijuana in 818
  12. Super Monkey Ball : Banana blitz The legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess ________ HeavenLady
  13. Good find Demonmike. From your picture, I measured that the black hole is 40.1 mm wide by 10.7 mm thick. (Considering the whole thing is about the size of three stacked up DVD cases). There seams to be a (eject ?) button or a LED at the left. A compact flash (type II) is 43 mm wide and 5 mm thick. So the hole is about the size of two compact flash card. (Not two compact flash slots, two compact flash cards). That doesn't fit the two SD cards storage annouced, but could receive a microdrive (same size as a compact flash). My bet is it's not final yet, and that this is a version using a compact flash card. Edit : Substeinar posted while I was writing. a gba cartridge is 9.5 mm thick (perfect fit) and 60 mm wide (50% more than my evaluation). You can see instantly that the hole is less than half of the slot which is a bit more than 120 mm large. The idea would make sense still. ________ married woman Webcams
  14. From what I have heard/seen, the wiimote is use to do the following : Make Mario spin attack. Ring a bell. You target it directly. Collect coins by targeting them. It stuns the ennemies when you point them. I ranked them from the less important to the more. 1 is not important because you could do it whit a button, but the others are not bad. I was a bit deceived by Mario Galaxy controls too, as I expected that you could play it one-handed. ________ redheaded Cams
  15. 400$ Is too much money in Nintendo's opinion. ________ Electronic Cigarette
  16. Thanks for writing. ________ WendyTS live
  17. Today I learned something... let's go to bed now. ________ BUY MARIJUANA SEEDS
  18. What !?!? Mario appeared in Ocarina of time ? ________ Web shows
  19. Super Paper Mario announced for the Cube. Sad but true, that is closer to me than anything on the Wii, even if it might launch after it. Super Mario Galaxy on video and playable. That's the game that took me the more time in this E3. The heavy rain trailer. I remember, a long time ago, some people saying the PS3 could display toys Story like graphics. Actually, they were wrong. This trailer shows better graphics than Toys Story did. For those who want to see for themselves : http://www.gamehope.com/progs/down.html?id=4548. Keep in mind it's much harder to render a realistic scene than a war one like in Killzone. ________ MEDICAL MARIJUANA
  20. I'm not sure what to think about all this. + Perrin Kaplan said there's more hardware secret. + The wiimote speaker seams a little small for a secret. + Some developers said they knew about the third secret when it was revealed to them. + the connect24 was not really revealed... What do we know about it ? + TGS is not too late. Still, I noted something that maybe not everybody saw : The little grab on the center of the flap that appeared this E3 means that this doors needs to be opened easily. This is Ok whit the memory card theory but might lead to others as well. You're better than be on this. ________ LIVE SEX WEBSHOWS
  21. As King Boo welcomed me, I'm sad to see him go, but I'll still lauch a Goodbye ! The better way to wait until the launch (on which I'll get the monster) is to read about people who tried it. I will be relying on RE forums for that. ________ Live sex webshows
  22. It's not that positive on my side. I would even say it's negative. In canada : Nobody knows about the Wii. I did not hear about it on TV. The only thing I saw off-internet is a small article in a newspaper in the kids section, that was so poorly written that the reader could not understand how the wiimote worked. I did try to convert people but I got zero on the train. Even two ex-nintendo fans said "Let's wait and see". ________ Live sex
  23. Aren't we going to say "Let's play Nintendo" anyway ? That's what I did for the last 15 years. ________ Web Shows
  24. As long as the graphics are aqual to or better than N64, that's OK. ________ NEW CONDO PATTAYA
  25. If anyone wants more videos of this kind, Gamespot E3 blog has one of each, one stampede, one waiting line. (Scroll at the bottom) Now that i got 15 post... here's the link to the blog : http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3blog.html?board_id=909178369 Actually, the guy who took his camera and walked from the tail of the line to its head took six minutes to to it, talking a bit with the people waiting. Side question : Which game will win the expo ? My choice : Spore ________ VAPOR GENIE RATING
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