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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. 3DS eShop Thread

    Damn. Oh well, at least they're updating the thing now.
  2. Blast Works

    Not at all, I've been playing the game for hours now, but only spent around 10 minutes or so playing the actual campaign mode. Yeah I'm basically the compete opposite of you when it comes to the creating part of games. This thing is going to keep me hooked for ages! I hope you'll connect your Wii online sometime in the future though H-o-T, to check out some of the user created stuff. Needless to say, I'll have some levels to send your way. : peace:
  3. Blast Works

    At last Blast Works is mine! Still can't believe what a fiasco it was to get hold of, glad it's over now. It was worth the hassle though, because the game is awesome! And playing it made me have one of the most major flashbacks ever, we're talking back like 20 years to my Commodore 64 days! Don't know if anyone here will know/remember it, but there was a program on the C64 called Shoot 'Em-Up Construction Kit (aka SEUCK) anyway, I used to absolutely adore it, was one of my most played games back then. Well, Blast Works really is just like a modern version of SEUCK. You're able to create/edit pretty much every single aspect of the game, it.. is.. insane. Already registered on the Blast Works Depot, there is some pretty amazing stuff on there. Looking forward to submitting some of my own shapes/levels soon. It's definitely a cool feature, especially for people that don't have the patience/time to mess around with the editors, as they can still download and check out different content made by other users. One thing to mention is that the game is a real memory hog, 128 blocks for the save file! Still, with the recent storage fix that shouldn't be a problem for anyone now. So yeah, if you're in to old school scrolling shooters this is a great game to check out, and simply a must have if you also like to be creative. Plus it has what must be the best Wii disc channel music, ever.
  4. I have no idea how I didn't realise that you'd already bought Order Up! from that post. :blush:

    Must have got confused after reading what you said about not having enough space in the fridge for saves, because the game only requires 1 block of memory. :laughing:

    If we were talking about Blast Works, (which I got today) well that would be a different story. It uses 128! :eek:


    Anyway, cheers for the recommendation of Henry Hatsworth, will be sure to keep it in mind for the future.

    : peace:

  5. I don't want to risk the Blast Works thread becoming the Order Up! thread, so I'll reply to you in here. :heh:


    Basically, H-o-T summed the game up perfectly with his impressions.


    It is essentially like Cooking Mama, but with more purpose and a lot more pressure. Can get slightly repetitive but that's to be expected with a game about cooking. :D

    Really though for a tenner you can't go wrong, but this

    should help you decide if it's going to be your cup of tea or not.


    : peace:

  6. 3DS eShop Thread

    Same here. Hopefully it'll show up this Friday. I mean it was one of main features of the DSi launch advertising campaign, so surely Nintendo won't postpone it for very long. I'll be looking forward to visiting the DSi Shop again anyway, I absolutely love that music... Audio Smooth. I assume Kazumi Totaka is responsible, what a legend.
  7. Excitebots: Trick Racing

    I'll tell you what's annoying the hell out of me, the fact that this is out in a few days time in America and we don't even have a rough idea of a release date for Europe yet!
  8. Blast Works

    Sweet. I really hope my copy shows up soon. I've got Order Up! keeping me distracted at the moment though. You were right about that one H-o-T, it's quite a nice little game. Worth checking out for a tenner anyway.
  9. Wii Sports Resort

    Well going by the pics that Dante posted, Wii MotionPlus ain't going anywhere without his jacket, not without one hell of an operation anyway. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was super glued to that thing. While I'm not a fan of the covers (purely because they make changing the batteries a hassle) I think I'd rather have them on for use with WMP. The reason being that even the Nunchuck connection gets pretty loose after a while, I frequently find myself 'fixing' the connection while playing a game that requires lots of movement. Not that it disconnects from the Wii Remote, just that it comes apart slightly. So I imagine with something that's bigger and heavier, i.e.. WMP, the chances of it being loose, or even disconnecting altogether will be a lot higher. But by having it moulded in to the jacket, it'll feel much more secure.
  10. Blast Works

    http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=968899&postcount=776 Great minds... eh Flinky?
  11. Wii Release List

    I was going to add to the confusion by creating a new thread for Blastworks and call it "Wii Release List", but I resisted the temptation. Cheers. Gonna see if I can find a copy in my local GAME, if so I'll just get it from them and cancel my online order.
  12. Wii Release List

    Indeed, that Stevo's a cheeky chappy. How much were they asking for it?I'm still waiting for mine to be sent!
  13. DS/DSi General Discussion

    No problem.: peace: I've been messing around with the camera quite a bit today, doing loads of the merge 2 faces thing. Seriously funny, not to mention scary. *EDIT* Another neat Easter egg, this time in the DSi photo album:
  14. Wii Release List

    Excellent. Looking forward to your impressions too, will give me something to do while I wait for my copy to arrive. Very good.
  15. DS/DSi General Discussion

    Go in to the album and then attach a star sticker to it.Also, if you press L or R while in the DSi menu to start the camera, any photo you take and save will automatically be assigned a star sticker and appear on the top screen. :awesome:
  16. Punch-Out!!

    Big Mac Giga Mac looks cool. But the new episode of GTTV was disappointing to say the least. Why the hell didn't they have a vs match on Punch-Out!!? Anyway, nice that Geoff still gives Reggie a hard time, he's like the Jeremy Paxman of the gaming world.
  17. DS/DSi General Discussion

    Pretty much. Just use iTunes to convert to .m4a and you can't go wrong: : peace:
  18. Wii Release List

    Well my order is still stuck as "pre-ordered" on gameplay, it should have been shipped by now. Something is definitely not right. H-o-T, any luck with play.com, did they send it?
  19. 3DS eShop Thread

    Yup.Annoying that it wasn't available at DSi launch and now more annoying that it isn't even on the impending release schedule! My guess is they're having trouble deciding what to do with the online gallery concept. Mainly on how to address the issue of censoring all of the genitalia animations that a US/Euro version would inevitably be bombarded with. For me PiCOPiCT is a must have purely because YMCK are behind the soundtrack.
  20. Fatal Frame 4

    I hope this doesn't happen to us. What the hell is wrong with NoA? First Disaster and now this, its crazy.Damn, why the hell not though? I'm seriously struggling to come up with any reason as to why they wouldn't want to release it in the US, would have been nice if they'd at least give a specific reason for that decision. Let's hope we still get the game in Europe.
  21. 3DS eShop Thread

    NoE's list of upcoming Wii/DSiWare: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/NOE/en_GB/news/2008/wiiware__nintendo_dsiware_media_summit_12259.html Not happy at the lack of Moving Memo Pad on that list, not happy at all.
  22. Punch-Out!!

    Cool, plus a new Geoff v Reggie interview too. They're always entertaining :
  23. Wii Release List

    Quick question, are the edit features available from the start of the game? Hmm... I'm gonna stick with my gameplay order for now, hopefully it'll be posted by tomorrow, otherwise I'll switch to play. Let me know when play.com send yours out.
  24. The Price Is Right?

    Sign me up too then. Yeah, the collectors edition of Overkill is one of those. The comic absolutely reeks!
  25. DS/DSi General Discussion

    I tried Tetris DS (US copy) after reading your post, worked fine for me. But yeah, let us know what Nintendo say. Hopefully it's an uncommon problem. Yup, it's pretty rad. I wonder if there are any other secrets to be found?