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About Osiris

  • Birthday 01/16/1988

Personal Information

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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    GBC, GBA, GBA SP, DS, N64, NGC
  • Other Systems Owned
    XBOX, PS2, MegaDrive
  • Favourite Game?
    Eternal Darkness
  • Gender

Osiris's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. Or you could just have a tv card and a portable tv next to it. Would they not just confuse your TV card's signal with the portable tvs (which doesnt need a licence..)?
  2. Basically while running the VNC server, you connect via a web browser. Your home machine relays what your computer is displaying, and you can control the mouse and keyboard inputs from the work/school computer. Its pretty easy to get up and running, and completely free.
  3. If you were to visit R-E's RSS info page they recommend Klipfolio for getting your RSS feeds. Its a nice and simple tool, though i prefer to manually check my sites rather than be told when its updated, more exciting that way :P
  4. When you get your router, just ensure you enable WPA-PSK. It is basically a password that you set that users have to enter to connect to the router. Id recommend getting a router over the junk nintendo will dish out. I will just be a cheap alternative that will use cpu power on your machine and also require it to be online at the time. A router has more benefits.
  5. An alternative method, run a VNC server on your home machine and then connect to it from school. This way you can control your home pc via a webbrowser, completely unhindered. Its pretty neat, i wish i had know of it years ago during those dull IT lessons... http://www.vnc.com/ (You will need to forward ports if you use a firewall) That way all you do is type your home's external ip and then the port number. Enter your password and you're all set. If you are tired of having to remember your IP (a vague bunch of numbers) you can get it routed with no -ip.com (why the hell is that keyword filtered?) Good luck.
  6. I think R-E should make the RSS links easier to find. I didnt know either....
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