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Posts posted by Aimless

  1. Does Cross Buy apply to bought-in shop retail games (and if so, what's stopping you selling the code?), or just downloadable ones?


    And is there any indication of unofficial Vita memory cards (or a drop in price)

    No idea. I expect we'll get clarification once there's been time for interviews, but conceivably they could restrict Vita codes to accounts that are linked to the PS3 version.


    As for memory cards, take this for what it's worth: I heard from someone, who has a friend at Sony, that Sandisk have signed a manufacturing agreement.

  2. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work with Kinect unless you moved the camera so it was closer to floor, but then you'd likely be too close for body tracking to work anyway.


    That was a pretty great conference, really. Probably the best one I've seen in many years, as everyone's been in the habit of stuffing them up lately.

  3. Will anybody read this title and not sing, "baby don't hurt me" in their head?

    My mind jumped to

    instead, which I suppose is quite telling.


    I find the "chemical imbalance" stance to be rather short-sighted. Not to say that I disagree with the science or consider the feeling mystical, but everything can be reduced to brain chemistry. If you're going to discount love on the grounds of neuroscience you're setting yourself up for a pretty nihilistic existence, and ultimately do the mechanics of it really matter? Presumably we all play games here and they're pure fakery, yet you valued them enough to sign up here to talk about them.


    I'm not advocating "one true love" sappiness, but I think a common mistake is swinging hard in the other direction, which frankly tends to come off as posturing.

  4. Have any of you played Everybody's Tennis? Was just wondering if it's worth getting as its on sale.

    Whilst I don't have personal experience — or time to play it at the moment — it's supposed to be great. Apparently the singleplayer is quite RPG-like.


    A second-hand recommendation, then.

  5. Why would you be angry?


    I'll definitely dive back in once it's free. I've no real interest in end-game content so the limitations don't look like they'd impact my experience much, plus I don't mind laying down a little money if it's for a feature I'll actually use.

  6. I believe Rock of Ages is going to be inclusive for European Plus members, alongside something else. Presumably we can expect official word fairly soon, though.


    Speaking of things to expect, apparently a new sale will start on Wednesday. Hopefully it's good as I think it's what we're getting instead of the PSN Play promotion, unless they're simply being exceptionally tardy in announcing the promotion for our side of the pond.

  7. Wow, shocking pop in at 19 mins!

    Bear in mind it's a preview build and more than likely running off the disc; installing on 360 should improve performance. I've ordered the PS3 version as the footage I've seen of it seems to run a bit better, but who knows how the finished products will compare.


    GMG are currently running a promotion for those in the UK: £30 on console, £20 on PC. I think they take money upon ordering rather than dispatch, but it seems unlikely you'll see it cheaper pre-release.

  8. I cant see why they did this when the slim is a really nice looking console and a decent size anyway.

    Because this new one will be cheaper to manufacture, thus cheaper for consumers.


    The PS3 has about another year of rude health ahead of it, so now's the time to start mopping up potential customers. That might be people who already own a 360 but would be tempted by a cheaper PS3, families being marketed the likes of Wonderbook or just people interested in a machine to play Blu-rays and streaming video. You could feasibly be looking at £120 for the 16GB model which could be very attractive, especially if Sony were smart enough to throw 3 months of Plus into the bargain.

  9. The importance of the choices aren't the outcomes so much as the fact you had to choose.


    It's a bit like a magic trick: you know it's all smoke and mirrors, but the enjoyment comes from the suspension of disbelief.

  10. Did anyone else have trouble with Live yesterday? Mine kept disconnecting. First it was during a game of Red Dead, then it was while watching Netflix.


    Wouldn't let me sign back in either. I had to restart the console.

    I've been getting this a lot lately. I even switched from a wireless to a Homeplug connection to see if it would sort it, but no joy.


    I assumed it was something on my end, but perhaps not.

  11. You shoot a lot of things in Dead Space and its sequel. About twice as much as either game needed, in fact.


    Personally I think Dead Space 2 had much better pacing than the original, which was very tense but also never let off the pressure; a lot of people had trouble playing more than a chapter at a time as a consequence. Unfortunately it's hard to see if the third game will invert past mistakes by making something that's all release all the time.

  12. I'm not saying that it isn't an amazing deal, because it is. It's even more amazing for someone like me who was late in getting a bit PS3.

    Sorry, the value talk was more aimed at dr4hkon. I should have been clearer.


    Worth mentioning that Space Marine and Chime will be cycled out of Plus come July 18th to make way for two new games, so be sure to 'purchase' them before then.

  13. I don't like calling it "free".

    It's not free, it's inclusive. I guess that doesn't have the same buzz to it, though.


    I'm pretty sure I've saved more than I paid for Plus purely through discounts, let alone the inclusive content. Obviously your mileage may vary, but for a heavy user it's an amazing deal.

  14. Perhaps I wasn't explicit enough: if you play the game singleplayer there is no AI companion. The guy will meet up with Isaac at points throughout the game, but he goes on his way so you're still on your own.


    It's fair to be concerned about this game given what they've shown, but the inclusion of co-op isn't what you should be worried about.

  15. Have to say though I feel the solitary nature of the first is what makes and am assuming more of the same from the second so the decision to add drop in co-op seems dumb to me.

    If you aren't playing DS3 co-op then scenes are adjusted to accommodate that. They don't lump you with an AI companion.


    So far I think they're doing a terrible job of selling this game to me, but then it seems to be the in thing to show your game off publicly and then tell everyone it wasn't really representative of what the game is really like, they just wanted their game to be noticed by making it look like everything else. We'll see.

  16. I definitely think red is the most thematically satisfying.


    Something I liked about the extended cut is that it confirmed my suspicion that...

    ...the Reapers aren't grandiose beings beyond our ken, more a galactic display of irony. They embody the technological singularity they purport to be avoiding — having harvested their creators against their will in order to enact their "solution" — so by destroying them you're essentially doing them a favour.

