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Everything posted by Aimless

  1. is it because im BLACK?

    You could at least give people a link. Oh well, here's the preview, and you can watch the videos by following this link. Haven't watched them myself so I can't comment.
  2. Doom:The Movie

    You're right, it isn't half bad. Weirdly, the movie is somewhat over-plotted for what it is. Not that it isn't riddled with more holes than the extras and adorned with an unhealthy amount of cheese. But let's face it, Doom was never going to spawn a good movie as it's all about being there behind the monitor, not watching gun-porn starring The Rock. It's got quite a few nods to the game, which I suppose is a good thing. I just wish there could be a good game-based movie that paid fealty to its origins; my hopes rest on 'Silent Hill'.
  3. Recent Pic of me

    Well done. That's how Rokhed00 likes 'em. Anyway, I'd like to congratulate Mrs_Odwin. It's over to you now, dear.
  4. Couldn't you use a town name instead? Worked for me. My marker obviously isn't spot on as I live out in the sticks, but it's close enough to be slightly scary.
  5. Well, there are a lot of Fiddy Pence fans — although it's not yet topping the charts. It's sad that they'd buy it just for the name on the box, but there's no helping some people. *Hides Crystal Chronicles* On another note, Saint's Row is proven to make people more violent: every time I see it I want to punch the developer in the face.
  6. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    I just ordered that, too. I'm not buying a 360 yet, but I thought I might as well get the game for when I do. Admittedly it's likely as exclusive as Halo 2's Not-So-Limited Edition, but I can't imagine me getting either version for cheaper than £40 in a few months anyway*. *Well, maybe from bargain bins...
  7. Advent Calendar!

    Factoid of the day: The 'X' in Xmas is in fact a greek letter, 'chi'. This was used as an abbreviation for Christ, possibly due to the name's early clandestinity, and Xmas became a scholarly term. I suppose you might say the term has fallen from grace, as many now see it as synonymous with Christmas' commercial side. It's like the swastika all over again. But getting back on topic, I won't be having an advent calendar. Being a 'responsible adult', I'm apparently beyond such seasonal treats as Easter eggs. I might just take it upon myself to buy some Dubble bars as compensation.
  8. User Image Gallery

    If you're in the UK, about £4.50 per shirt. So with the sale on it's about £10.50 a shirt. I'll stop spamming now.
  9. User Image Gallery

    Oh, if you're planning on buying some shirts I'm sure Jo'd very much appreciate it if you went through this link — assuming her username is Johelian, which I'd imagine it is.
  10. User Image Gallery

    I have that shirt, albeit in blue. It is indeed most awesome. For anyone who's interested, here's the design's page if you fancy requesting another reprint. [boring Esotericism] I also have 'Operation Needed', 'Predicament', 'Who I Am', and 'Bunny and Gopher'. 'My Pet Human' and 'Flowers in the Attic' are on order. I should probably stop buying tees, seeing as I now have one for each day of the week. [/boring Esotericism]
  11. Guilty Pleasures

    People can eat that? I figured it was meant for dogs, like those 'chocolate' covered bones and things. My guilty pleasure is World of Warcraft. I know I spend too long playing it, I know I should be looking for a better job, but its pull is too strong. I'm only here because Defias Brotherhood is still down following 'extended' maintenance — it's this long every week.
  12. So it was you! In my experience, there are too many angry black people pointing guns at me when I'm browsing the shelves in GAME these days. Although I suppose I should refrain from entering the store five minutes before it closes. But it isn't my place to judge the game. After all, it "could revolutionise the entertainment industry."
  13. Inspiration

    I've had this problem for years. This is where you'd hope I write down the magical fix that I've developed over that time, right? Thought so. I think it might be down to a form of perfectionism. You come up with an idea that you like, but you know it could be even better if you developed the reasons behind that character's actions, or explained why she's afraid of ducks, or... And there you go, suckered in by the 'bigger is better' ethos once again. I don't set out to be mean; if I had an answer you'd know it by now. All I can say is, "Don't be afraid." It's not as good as it could be, it isn't perfect. But perfection is a carrot, something that drives you forward whilst being tantalisingly out of reach. Sometimes you just have to know when to stop the chase. With any luck, hypocrisy isn't all bad.
  14. Why aren't you in bed?

    Well? (Yes, this thread is impossibly bad. Unfortunately, today has broken my brain, including all inhibitions regarding making worthwhile posts.)
  15. private messages...

    There's only one thing that Emo's scheme is missing: a name. To get the ball rolling, here's three of my crucially capitalised suggestions: Emoil, JayTalking, PeMo. People like me invented the name 'Xbox'. On the PMs front, I've got a few replies from my attempts at being helpful, but that's about it. None were particularly interesting, sorry.
  16. In no particular order: Don't even bother with a news section unless it's about more off the wall things such as people setting themselves on fire whilst re-enacting Street Fighter moves. And things of that nature. People competing at games is boring as hell unless they're actually good at the games to start with. Ever watch GameStars? One of the finals was two people competing aginst each other in part of the Tekken series — blatant button-bashing match. Get the general public involved, even if it's just to laugh at them. Know what you're talking about. Cheat sections are also boring. And we have GameFAQs. Don't be afraid to slate something you don't like. Don't be afraid to praise something you do. Personally I think that Top Gear is a programme that shows how to make an entertaining specialist show. I hate driving, cars don't interest me in the slightest, but I still quite enjoy watching it now and again.
  17. Video Gaiden online...

    I think it's alright. Not a big fan, but I can see where they're going with it. This program wasn't really designed with me in mind, and I'm not going to condemn it for that.
  18. Recommended MMORPG

    You have played the game, right? It's all about grinding through the dullest selection of quests I've ever seen: Kill X amount of Y, retrieve X random drops from Y, go talk to that guy... /yawn. *Goes back to playing WoW*
  19. Why aren't you in bed?

    I am in bed. Wi-FI killed the dregs of my social life.
  20. How long do you stay online a day

    Corrected. Yes, they would have to be extremely inebriated.
  21. Why aren't you in bed?

    The ol' size-16-font routine, eh? Just keep reading through it. Even Lucozade has its limits.
  22. Why aren't you in bed?

    Ten pages of what, exactly? Or don't I want to know? A vicious circle I know all too well. Although I've only myself to blame. And the moral of this thread? If you plan on doing work on a computer, you'll lose a lot less sleep if you use a machine sans internet connection. It also has another moral: don't create crappy topics in the early AMs, as you'll only want someone to delete them a few minutes later.
  23. What bands/artists do you like?

    I only picked 'Takk...' as it's the tiniest bit more conventional. 'Ãgætis Byrjun' is more... operatic, making use of a lot of extended string sections and ambience, whereas their newest album is more melodious. Marginally. It's a very close call, and I can't say I particularly prefer one over the other.
  24. What have you won?

    I remember getting the title track, Turtle Power, on mini-vinyl from a Corn Flakes packet. Whatever happened to decent freebies in cereal?
  25. Granny gamer - look into our future

    After a few minutes careful consideration, I'm still not sure if you were being sarcastic or not. "paranoia looms over this forum like a sticky brown residue :heh:"