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  1. Now those stats are quite fair not are they and you know it mate. Wii Play .... lets face it, it was a cheap way to buy a controller, Wii Sports.... Freem apart from in Asia (only decent launch title.. but still not really a AAA game) to be fair Mario Kart and Mario Bros 2 solid games, personally thought Wii Mario Kart was too slow and boring but my personal opinion. Now how long has Wii Fit and Fit Plus been out compared to Kinect ?? and why did you list the sales figure for the Wii version of dead space ... which in my opinion was a really great game but i believe it sold less than 15000 copies i mean that kind of proves my point that without a title nintendo will never get some of the market share from xbox and playstation. also out of interest have you used Kinect Fitness Evolved 2010 ?
  2. Most of that User base wont even buy a Wii U, i hate to say this but the xbox 360 with Kinect is better and cheaper for fitness games
  3. I will agree we don't know enough about the online part of the Wii U but the multiverse is useless in my eyes and regarding my point about a new IP, yes i agree that Zelda and Mario are too huge IPs and comparible but if Nintendo what to capature the xbox and playstation market (they are the only ones that buy games) they need something new something that, that market will want to play and i'm sorry but Zelda and MArio are not enough.
  4. Hey, i watched all the conferences and i was soo excited for the Nintendo one ! and man what a kick in the nuts that was ! its just an epic Fail! they needed to tell us about the Wii U interdface how it works on line and nothing was delivered. Games wise ... well kudos to Ubisoft but Nintendo where were you! EA said last E3 they were going to fully support the Wii U but nothing new from them ! I hate to say this but i think this is the End of Nintendo in the console front (not including Handheld) granted this maybe a good thing imagine Zelda and Marion on the next gen xbox and playstation! All Nintendo had to do was learn from their mistatkes with the Cube and Wii U, all they had to do was research the competition! All they needed was a unique console, Solid Online Connectivity and lastly a new IP.. something bigger than Halo and God of War something to attract playstation and Xbox users to think .. hey i may have a Wii U as my second console ! What an EPIC Fail by nintendo!
  5. This should be funny
  6. can't wait to pick this up
  7. True but they could also use the wired GC controller of the wave bird controller
  8. Hi guys i've just seen the review for WWE for the wii and i'm glad it got a lower score i mean some games should just not have wagggle controls i for one will not be buying this game, which is disapoingting as i love me wrestling games and bought everyone for the GC my only hope now is that the TNA game for wii is alot better. Anyone else have an opinions on the lateset WWE Game for Wii??
  9. Got my copy last night, absolutly awsome!!!!!!!! nice graphics, grewat sound only complaint is load times at the doors
  11. I think Nintendo have lost their kiddy image and now have something which i feel is worse which is a family / casual image
  12. Hi need some help my IE7 keeps freezing when someone clicks on it i know the Internet is working did nslookup in CMD also E-mail is working and it can ping local terminals / devices on my network, any ideas cheers Raj ps updated the machine last thursday with all IE7 updates
  13. Hi Guys any chance of someones putting some light on my question How important is Graphics memory? Games i'm in to is Supreme Commander and i'm hoping to get the new Crysis game but the card i'm going to buy for my new build will be the ATI HD2600XT 256MB GDDR4 Mem is this enough to last me or at least a a couple of years before i upgrade to ATIs equivelent to the 880GTX Basic spech of new build will be Core 2 Duo E6850 2Gb Ram ATI HD2600XT 256MB GDDR4 Gigabyte GA P35 DQ6, iP35 Express cheers for the help Raj
  14. I have Wii Sports Tiger Woods 07 NFS Carbon Excite Truck Mario Strickers Wii Play Red Steel Mortal Kombat Armaggedon
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