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  • Wii Console Number
    5589 8288 4747 2532

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Its verry fun ! Got it to day =D
  2. My is: 5589 8288 4747 2532 Send a private message is you add me and I add you! =)
  3. My Wii Number is: 5589 8288 4747 2532 Its not error at it says in the begining... add me and leave a private message and I adde you =D
  4. My is: 5589 8288 4747 2532 Welcome
  5. Do anyone know if its possible to use the GameCube's RGB Scart cable on Wii.
  6. 1 Wii System Zelda TP Moneky Balls Wii Play (with remote) Nunchuk and one more game.. not decided.
  7. hehe nice! Fun to look at! =)
  8. Got some New screens from this game. Looking goooood yay http://www.gamecore.se/image.1.10384.1.super_swing_golf_pangya.html
  9. Well thats you loss...
  10. Please dont use "gay" as a bad word! We do have gay peoples on this Forum !
  11. Wii will use the 802.11b standard, and your wiresless rounter only use 802.11g ? that will prob. not work. =( EDIT: Aha.. Now I see in the tech spec: "Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, IEEE 802.11b, PPP, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b+" It will work with Wii !!!
  12. New Rumors on the net to day, Tech, Release, Games "As many of you know there is a Wii press conference at the Leipzig Games Convention in Germany. Many details will be revealed including launch details, new games and finalized specs. A lot has been leaked in a piece of text. Here are the key notes: SPECS- Broadway CPU clocked at 1.2ghz Hollywood GPU clocked at 450mhz The following interfaces are included with the Wii; SD card slot, Wireless controller, two USB 2.0 ports, wireless LAN, 4x GC controller ports, 2x GC memory card slots and an AV multi output jack. RevolutionSDK used by developers to make Wii games. LAUNCH- Worldwide launch on Saturday 14th October 2006. PRICING- Japan - 21,000 yen US- $235.00 UK- £149.99 GBP EU- E200.00 2 bundles available including a Wii Sports bundle with two controllers and nunchuks, a copy of wii sports and 5 free Virtual Console downloads. Price is unknown. Regular bundle includes console, controller, analog attachment and cables. Available in two colours. White and Black. GAMES- 30 at launch, 500 VC games at launch. Sega Saturn games added to library. Will be compressed down in size. Most games to be Wii Connect compatible. More to be revealed at the conference. Stay Tuned. " Source: Unknown
  13. Nintendo's Matt Atwood have confirmed that there will be no Space world! And hints that Mario Galaxy can be a Wii realese Title "anything is possible" Source (Swedish): http://www.gamecore.se/nyhet.9995.html
  14. Matt Atwood (NOA) hints that Mario Galaxy can be a Wii release titel! And no Space World this year. Source (Swedish) http://www.gamecore.se/nyhet.9995.html
  15. "Here are some excerpts from the briefing where the price was announced: Nintendo intends to announce the pricing and launch structure for Wii before September. Nintendo hopes to provide third-parties with development kits for as low as $1,732. This is less than one tenth the cost of a PS3 development kit. Internally Nintendo has big plans for Wii support. In fact, Iwata expects the company's research and development budget to rise with the impending launch of the console. This is because Nintendo intends on having a steady supply of software for Wii in order to avoid the drought faced by GameCube in its first year of release. Nintendo said it has already begun approaching third-party developers to help turn their ideas into games. The results of this will be seen beginning next year. Nintendo has set a shipment goal of 6 million Wii hardware units and 17 million Wii software units during the fiscal year ending March 2007. Iwata has no regrets about the "Wii" name. "I am one of the people who have decided this final product name," he explained. "Of course, I am not the only person to make this decision, but I have never thought that it was a mistake to name it, "Wii." I understand that a great many people have already accepted this product name. When someone has some hesitation today, we'd like to make efforts so that they will come to like this name in the end." Iwata said that his top priority is to remedy the severe DS shortage problem in Japan. The problem stems from issues with production of the "bicolor molding." Once the kinks in production are solved, Nintendo has planned shipments of more than 2 million Nintendo DS units each month. Iwata also acknowledges competition. In particular he said he is not concerned about Microsoft entering the portable games industry. He says such competition will not change Nintendo's path." Source: Gameworld Network http://www.gwn.com/news/story.php/id/9842/
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