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Posts posted by Zero

  1. She not a eagle. :shakehead

    She trapped in hyrule castle ZeldaFreak. :indeed:

    Thats what I thought. It looked like the twilight realm and assuming that the figure was who we think it was, which I believe is true, then she can't be an eagle.


    I've still not found this eagle in the zelda videos.


    Another thing. Has anyone else noticed that Link seems to have a bit of a deeper 'voice' in the wii version? Either that or its just bad quality.

  2. Hmm... I would like if there was more characters in the game that are really going to help you around in dungeons and stuff... Yeah, in Zelda WW you had Medli from the Rito tribe for the Wind Temple and Makar for the Earth Temple, but they weren't doing enough help I think. They should be running around defeating enemies with you, instead of just standing beside Link while he's actually doing the whole job.


    What I'm saying is, that I hope the AI is way cooler in TP, but hey they said it would be... !


    Maybe a comeback from Ralph from Zelda OOA. Always liked that character. Would be cool if he was around sometimes, slicing down enemies next to you with his sword, and of course helping you with puzzles.


    Just a thought... What do you think?

    That could be really cool if it happened. And they could add like a 2 player mode at they points where player 2 can controls that character.


    That would be awesome.

  3. Yeah but my point is, for all we know save files on average could be 100kb, thus 100 games results in 10mb roughly of storage..


    And who has time to play a game every 3 days? Let alone afford one.


    I think the SD port is mainly for photos, videos and importing content into the Wii. Not so much for saving content and backing it up.


    One features I'm really hoping for is custom soundtracks like in the xbox games.. put some mp3s on an SD card, plug it in and play randomly in game.

    Good point but, you know most games will probably be over 100kb.


    Plus what about people who want to download N64 games. Some of them are 30mb.

  4. I said in another thread (cant remember which :p) graphics do come into account but i would rather a game had a good stroyline and game play rather than graphics.


    For example, Grandia 2's graphics literally hurt to look at when I first played it but, I still found the game enjoyable and is now one of my favourites.


    I agree with ShadowV7 and DCK. I would never buy a game just because it had good graphics.

  5. I don't want to spoil that... I mean... I was in awe when I first saw him in OoT and WW, I think we are in for a great first impression this time around. And the graphics and facial expressions should be really awesome.


    Maybe he'll first appear with his back turned to the hero showing his cape pattern, and then after it catches our eyes "hey, isn't that..." he turns over :p bare in mind that link shouldn't know him by then, first encounter, I think he'll have a menacing appearance yet ironic smile. (not resembling tingle though)


    No! I just hyped myself all over again. :woops::)

    I cant wait to see ganon. Best bad guy ever imo.


    Didn't you hear. It got delayed again. March '07 now.I'm bored

    Thats not even funny. Dont joke about that sort of thing. Some innocent noob will believe that.



    "TO NINTENDO HQ!" I'm bored too...

    lmfao. I would expect that to happn if it was delayed again.

  6. Holding a piece of purple plastic in your hands, a Cubic console ticking its disc as it continously streams over, and a 4:3 image is really going to make you feel more immersed?


    Man, some of you Zelda fans should really snap out of your conservatism. A change to the series is not bad automatically. In fact, if Nintendo decides to change something, they'll actually change it for the better as Nintendo and the Zelda team are pretty good at making games.


    I'm full of confidence about the Wii controls. No Cube version for me at all.



    Even if you only feel a little more immersed with the wiimote its still, over all, more immersive than the cube version.

  7. EVERYONE, if this game does poorly with reviews, as in getting below 9.7 average score at THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST, we shall all give this topic 1 star ratings and drop that 5 star rating, as it will NOT BE WORTHY of a 5 star rating.EVER.

    Does it really matter if it gets a high rating. I've been waiting long enough to play the game. I'm not gonna stop playing it just because it got a crappy score after a three year wait.

  8. I agree with the all of you. I remember the thread about the PS3 delay. That was qiute a bad thread for it.


    I dont see why some people fell the need for everyone else to agree with them. Different people will have a different opinion. In my eyes arguing is a waste of time so i just avoid it.


    Debates on the other hand im all for

  9. I would love to attend one of the tournies but i live in scotland so, its out of the question for me. I wish someone up here would do the same thing but, where i come from only i only know about 5-6 people who own a gc and about 4 who own the game.


    It would be a great way to meet and play better people than me because everyone ive played bearly kill me now and i play as link who isnt even all that fast or strong.

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