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Posts posted by Wesley

  1. Can anyone give me advice on which broadband provider to go for which has unlimited access?


    This however must exclude AOL because my mother [who knows nothing at all about PCs] refuses to get AOL.


    Thanks in advance.

  2. It's awesome when you meet old friends after so long.


    Unless you don't remember them but they remember you.


    Like at the pub a month ago a girl came up to me and said, "hey wesley!" and then hugged me, I didn't have a clue who she was . . .

  3. I understand it's easy for people to be drawn into the anti-French attitude, but common guys.


    It's like saying that men were found to be having sex with underage children in a Pacific island that belonged to Britain [and this small civilisation were British], that all English men are "sick fucks who rape children".


    [i tried my hardest to find that news piece on the internet but gave up.]

  4. So you judge a value of a life by mental capacity?


    Would you judge a human with a mental disorder less than a someone who doesn't?


    And dukkadukka I'm not saying you are hypocrites I'm merely explaining that I don't agree with you all.


    And I understand it's because a lot fo you like dogs and have an emotional connection with them, it's fine.


    But I don't.

  5. Yeah you've got a point Wes, come to think of it, who are we to stop the paedophiles, rapists and other criminals from having their own way of life and doing whathever they feel is right? Bit extreme perhaps, but c'mon, in the words of Judge Dredd..."I. Am. The LAW!"


    So keep your little freedom to torture animals bullshit to yourself weslie.


    That's cute.




    I'm sorry that I have a different thought pattern to you guys, really I am.


    I honestly just think, "we use live bait for fishing [worms etc], why value the life of one animal more than the other; simply because one is bigger or people find them cute?".


    But really, I am sorry for not agreeing with you there.

  6. I'm probably one of the biggest Radiohead fans you'll meet [unless you go on atease forums].


    I have all 6 LPs.


    3 EPs [i might Be Wrong, My Iron Lung and Itch].


    A Australian only double EP titled "Lost Treasures 1993-1997".


    A couple of unofficial live CDs inclusing both Glastonbury sets.


    Plus quite a few live sets downloaded of the 'net.
