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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros

    And you're forgetting Dream Team takes place at a place called Pill'o Island. Only 5 Mario RPG's take place in the Mushroom Kingdom. Super Mario RPG, Paper Mario, Partners in Time (That takes place mostly in the past though), Bowser's Inside Story and Sticker Star. In fact, I wouldn't even count Sticker Star as a Mario RPG, that's more of an adventure game. Even if you do count Sticker Star, it's just over half of the games. Not that big a deal yet.
  2. The Legend of Zelda: Triforce Heroes

    @Dcubed hasn't, I believe he's on the fortress. I think I could try and persuade him if he's not too busy getting the next Smash challenge sorted. I'm not... It's funny tormenting people with the Tri Suit. Especially when DCubed gets in on it as well. Gives a real impression of "Aw, so close! If only you had friends..."
  3. Hell no! You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse I feel like a right jerk now...
  4. Hyrule Warriors 3DS

    Ganondorf getting a trident is long overdue! Like, seriously, how was that not in the original? Oh well, at least it's fixed now, hopefully I'll like this weapon more. I was never any good with his Great Swords
  5. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)

    Is that the UK top 40? Because if so, that's a bit harsh, isn't it? Everyone knows the UK hates Ninty.
  6. Hope you don't mind me posting a Mobile phone picture? Annoying thing is my 3DS time is still better... I swear the WiiU one is tougher!
  7. Super Mario Maker Level IDs

    I don't like the thought of people playing my levels and me not repaying the favour. Of course, it might take a while for me to get around to it and I might not finish some levels, but I definitely try! Yeah, I reloaded my levels after the checkpoints dropped. Sorry about that, but at least it let me keep the stars I accumulated.
  8. Your 2015 Gaming Diary

    I replayed Super Mario 3D Land recently. So I guess I should talk about it a bit. SM3DL is a 3D platformer released on the 3DS in 2011. It's most known for making people confused about it's later sequel, Super Mario 3D World, which had some people thinking it was some kind of port of this game. And that's terrible... I'm gonna split this one into different sections, like I do sometimes with no consistency what-so-ever. Super 3D Story! Do I need to explain it? Super 3D Gameplay! 3D Land differentiates itself from the previous 3D Mario games by basing itself heavily on the New Super Mario Bros series. Levels are very linear, there's a time limit, Mario doesn't have a health meter, instead going for the power-up equals your health mechanic and there are 3 star coins in each level. Some people are inevitably going to lament this, some might even claim that this somehow makes SM3DL "not a proper 3D Mario" which is utterly stupid. The gameplay is tight, fluid and boasts some impeccable level design. Because the game is purely single-player focused, the levels are better suited to a single player. Of course, 3D World's levels are in no way worse off for being optimised for Multiplayer, but it does feel like a different experience. It's great for blasting through on a bus or a train! And I have to mention it's fantastic final boss! You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse For context's sake, you're trying to outrun Bowser as he doggedly pursues you throughout this stage. It's a departure from the typical final boss fight you'd normally see in Mario games. It feels truly epic! I like it so much, I'm even gonna post a vid. Go ahead and skip to 3:22. Anyway, moan about how it's not "Galaxy 3 or whatever" but this game is definitely worth your time! And you're only fooling yourself if you choose not to play it. Super 3D Music! It's a good soundtrack, not the best, but there are some very catchy songs in here. And now, an anecdote. When I got back to Special World 8, it only just hit me that the song that plays on the map... ...is a remix of... The "How to draw Mario" Flipnote song! Yes, I know. I really should have noticed it sooner, but it's such a random remix and I love it. Super 3D Visuals! If there was ever a game that I would choose to show off the stereoscopic 3D feature of the 3DS, it'd be this one. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Yes, I can't really do the game justice, the 3D adds that much! If you want to see, you're gonna have to look at that Miiverse post on your 3DS. Sorry. So all in all, I enjoyed 3D Land and I only appreciate it's uniqueness more after playing 3D World. It's perfect for a portable game, easy to pick up and play, yet strangely fun to play it for the long haul. And with that...
  9. Nintendo Badge Arcade (eShop)

    Nope! You use the practice grabber on the far left to play a dummy trial. If you're lucky, one of the "Not real" badges will give you 2 free goes. Don't bank on it though. You also get one free go every time you get 10 "Not real badges". Sometimes, you also get free goes when new badges come out. For example, today people got one free go for being a squid. Naturally, I lied my little face off about that. I don't like Splatoon. Also, you don't have to play the machine you're put on when you get a free go, you're free to play whatever machine you like. Got myself the Hammer Brother artwork badge I missed first time today! So I'm happy! ARGH! Why are there no folders!? You need to take a note from my Home theme! There's well over 100 applications/games in those beauties! And there's more badges in those folders as well!
  10. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)

    I'm only taking a jab for laughs. Sorry if it came off as rude. But you can't deny that there's a bit of business sense behind F-Zero's absence. It's a very niche series after all. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of people only knew it existed because of Smash.
  11. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)

    Awww... Someone's giving the impression they think F-Zero does nearly as well as Zelda in terms of sales. I, for example, would be very indifferent. I wouldn't buy it, that's for sure. And I'm 100% certain I wouldn't be the only one.
  12. Aw nuts! My 3DS version has a way better time than my WiiU version... Why are you punishing me for playing the better game!? Anyway, I'm right in thinking that the deadline for this is not tomorrow? Because I can't get my WiiU online for reasons you know already. EDIT: Oh wait, I can just do it from my phone! Duh! I'm dumb! It'll be up tomorrow then. Hopefully after I improve my time...
  13. Nintendo Badge Arcade (eShop)

    Is that Isabelle in a Varia Suit? Well done, Serebii. You've officially driven S.C.G mad and made me confused and annoyed!
  14. Wii U and 3DS Gaming Bargains

    Only works on Smash Bros.
  15. Sign me up for all three. I'm not too fussed about timeslots. I'm flexible!
  16. Wii U General Discussion

    That explains a lot. You should give it a go when it inevitably comes out on WiiU eShop. It's a fine game.
  17. Wii U General Discussion

    I always found NSMB Wii more challenging... and more interesting... and more fun.
  18. Wii U General Discussion

    Well, it's official. My mum is better at 2D Mario games than you, and she can't get her head around the concept of holding Y to run. Don't feel too bad though, because she's set the highest score on both of my Tetris games (GB and 3DS) and I can't ever beat them... I suck at Tetris... I believe if you go to the home menu and touch controller settings, there's an option to turn off the Gamepad screen at least. I can't remember if it stays off if you use the Pro controller though... Because I use the Gamepad for almost all of my games, including Smash!
  19. Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (20th Nov)

    Oh man, that's damning. A Mario Tennis game you don't even want anymore! I never thought I'd see the day.
  20. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Absolutely agreed on that front. Looking back, it was quite amazing it took until Brawl for Diddy to show up. Don't get me wrong, I'd be doing my happy dance if K.Rool magically makes it in, but he's not getting in through this ballot. It's purely up to Sakurai. And as most people have realised with Cloud, there are no "rules". Well, OK, there is one rule. Sakurai has to want to do it. He's an absolutely fantastic madman and I love that. You do it Sakurai's way or you don't do it at all. As Namco found out...
  21. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Hmmm... I'm not so sure. K.Rool hasn't really been relevant for a long time. (Wasn't his last appearance that Mario Baseball game?) Only the hardcore DK fans would vote for him. And I doubt there are that many compared to other fans. Pokemon fans alone would completely dwarf DK's crew. And I don't even need to point out the Mii costume not looking good for him. I still voted Dillon. No regrets!
  22. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Hmmm... I don't know about that, I'd say they both have around the same amount of Single Player stuff to do. But WiiU has the added advantage of co-op for some of those modes. Of course, Brawl still has the best single player content. I tend to keep trying to beat my high scores in a lot of modes. Especially Crazy Orders. Crazy Orders is super fun! I've beaten all the challenges, but I still keep playing single player!
  23. Nintendo Badge Arcade (eShop)

    Ah, but I am dismally bad at crane grabbers. Just getting one is terrifying. Remember the first one where you get 5 free goes to get some Mario Sprite badges? I got a grand total of 1.
  24. Nintendo Badge Arcade (eShop)

    Can't say I have had this issue, then again. I never turn my 3DS off. Just had a browse through the Pokemon badges, see if there's any I'd want.... Some expected badges like Charizard, Greninja and Groudon, and some slightly expected ones like Heliolisk and Scrafty that might force me to pay up, still gonna try my best to cheese them out with free plays, of course. But if time gets tight, I might have no choice. And then I saw this. Damn! They know just how to get me, huh? More proof Ninty spies on me!
  25. Wii U VC

    If the amount of jaggies that this (Inevitably) gets on TV's bothers you, then you might just want to play the DS ones, seeing as you have them already.