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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS

    To bad she didn't realy know what she was doing. I demand she goes back and does a 5 min speed run to show more
  2. Toriyama Returns To Dragon Ball

    Yeah, Cell saga was probably my favourite one. Really enjoyed reading/watching it. My spazz fit is slowly calming down now. Using the mobile in that state was awfully hard.
  3. Toriyama Returns To Dragon Ball

    What what what what what??? AMG. HOLY CRAPPERS!!! I'm welling up. This is awesome news, I really can't wait for this. So much so i'm gonna phone all my friends and wake them up and hear their bitching moans. Christ this'll be awesome. I got way to excited for my own good there. Kishi and Kubo hold nothing against the mighty Toriyama! Also, f*** GT
  4. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    I'll likely be going tomorrow to the one in Glasgow. Though the folk who I know that play games have a sucky taste in games so don't have DQ aside from one who's working. Who needs friends when you have random strangers.
  5. I'm was thinking April release just now since I tohught DQ V was that month, but turns out that was February so nevermind that I suspect they won't want to release it too soon incase it slows down/damages DQ IX sales if it's an evergreen title just now. I'd imagine folk who aren't in the know will go "Oh, this is new it's the latest and greatest one." I think a late July to Q1 is a tad soon for another main entry in the same franchise. But that's me. Yeha i'm saying that regardless of the DQ V/IX gap, think IX outweighs a remake a fair bit. And damn, hope that gets sorted out soon for you Ike. Would immensly suck.
  6. Ocarina of Time

    I done MM a few months ago during the summer. Saying that at i'm still at Ikana. But I think i'm gonna replay this over the next couple of days.
  7. Immersion In Games

    So had some random thoughts earlier and how immersed you can get when playing games, and it got me thinking, when was the last time I was actually properly immersed playing a video game intead of playing it just for entertainment? There are all sorts of ways to get immersed. For instance, say we're at the big climatic boss battle of the game. We know we have to beat this guy, she/he's done bad things to the world etc, but do you ever feel you have to kill him/her? You want to stop him/her from taking over/destroying the world instead of just being given the task to save the day? That you had some sort of intensity while playing and fighting for the greater good that failure wasn't an option? So much so that perhaps you're sitting on the edge of your seat while the showdown occurs? And the setting and the music just adds to complete the atmosphere? And if you've ever felt this way, what games would those be and why? What made you hate the person you need to defeat that it goes beyond just having to beat them, that you desired their demise? Let's take some examples for instance. Being a Wii discussion board, lets take Ganondorf from OOT for example. Okay so we know he's a bad guy since we pretty much just get told what he's done and some results of his actions, but we never really see him physically do anything. No havoc or destruction. We just know it. So we just go "Okay", and go along with the ride. But then we have the likes of Sephiroth. We see him actually killing Aeries, making players go "You bloody ba*****!!", so that gives us some motive to want to kill him, we got to see him do something atrocious and you're emotions is that of the main player. That's the kind of thing i'm after here to discuss. In a lot of RPGs where a plot makes the game, that kind of immersion and perhaps intensity can be pretty hard to find. The big bad guy of the game is either sometimes hidden to be used as a plot twist later on(i.e, 'Tales of..' games) or perhaps used as a mastermind that's been behind the guy you've been after for so long (i.e 'Dragon Quest IV/VIII' , Twilight Princess) or just some guy you're trying to stop from being resurrected/unsealed from a war long ago. But what makes us want to beat the true antagonist of the game? This is what i've thought about over the past couple of hours, so I wonder, have any of you ever been in this position? Actually wanting to kill/hating the bad guy so much you won't rest till the task is done? That actually goes beyond just entertainment. What have they actually done to deserve you're anger and hatred? This is more of the topic of plot immersion instead of gameplay immersion when you get absolutely sucked into the game (Melee/Brawl/Street Fighter) Anyway I hope this is clear enough to have a good discussion on this. SO what say you N-E?
  8. Return of the Dreamcast (XBLA & PSN)

    I agree with you there. C'man Shenmue 1 and 2!
  9. Time Travelers (Level 5)

    Times like these you gotta love Level-5. Can't wait for the 3DS.
  10. The Last Story (24th February)

    I'm with you here. Damn I really want to play this in all it's glory. Gives us confirmation of a US/EU release already.
  11. Sadness

    Lawl, they couldn't ever be taken seriously. They had nothing, just all talk and for some reason unfounded hype.
  12. The Conduit 2

    Meh, like the first, looks a bit generic to me. And objects just looks bland and uninspired. These days I can't help but think the graphics are representation of effort when it comes to the Wii. Gonna have to wait and see more of this. And play the first a bit more.
  13. Starfox 64 3D

    I really can't wait for this. Still enjoy playing it on the N64 and this being portable and 3D will be epic. My dad was a really big fan of Lylatwars in the N64 days and played it a fair bit, so much so he'd play it during his lunch breaks. I still remember him fighting Andross, Aqua level and the second asteroid mission. Then him escaping from the real Andross for the first time. Good times. He's gonna love this too. Gimmie this and OOT and just, well... I don't need to say anymore than that...
  14. Tales of the Abyss

    Didn't ToS actually do decent over here anyway? Don't even need to mention why DotNW didn't sell all that well for a few reasons. That and Namco bitching about Nintendo piracy won't help. Then we had ToV on the 360, which was outside the market that ToS had made for a console that isn't really known for it's RPGs and was a pain in the ass to find in store. ToV didn't even outsellf DotNW by that much. Then ToG actually did decent in Japan but Namco crippled themselves epicly cause of a bug that caused the game to be recalled. I think there might be a chance for this though, as long as they don't go retarded on us again. I can bring up more stuff but not much point
  15. Dammit give me Shenmue 3 already. I still don't get why they're so afraid of doing a sequel. Shenmue was destined to never make a profit anyway cause of the obscene development. Whatever happened to Shenmue online anyway? Guess i'll go investigate again.
  16. The Smoothest Irish Voice

    Hope you had a great day
  17. Tales of the Abyss

    Was good to hear that there might be a chance of playing this now, but just to bad I watched the anime to make up for it Would've been more epic to play it through instead.
  18. 3DS Console Discussion

    Give any 2 or so of StarFox, Zelda, Paper Mario at launch with a third party game or two and i'm happy.
  19. Big happy birthday to you two fellas! Make it a good day!
  20. New Wii Remote

    Well there probably isn't really as much as there should be, there's much more than 4 out there
  21. New Wii Remote

    I'm surprised it's taken them this long to be honest. Though i've got 2 MP+ for both my controllers anyway, so not in a rush for this.
  22. 3DS Console Discussion

    All i've heard so far is that it's for Japanese press only. Not heard anything about Japan only details so far. Guess we wait and see. if we don't get mentioned, I reckon we won't have to wait to long for details on our part.
  23. 3DS Console Discussion

    'All signs' if you'd call it point to Japan for a Nov 20th release if anything. That's the first it's been for North America and don't thing's come out on a Sunday over there anyway? Pretty sure deliveries would be delivered prior to the release date. Not to mention - I think - 3DSWare hasn't even been trademarked for there yet, but that might not hold much ground. I just don't believe that GS part at all though. Just sounds like cross wiring No point dismissing it as definently not coming out this year though. More suggesting it is rather than not for Japan atleast. Although there has been wishful thinking so far. I'd rather just get the date so there would stop being so much speculation and theories over it.
  24. Dating sites

    My aunt found someone on a dating site a while back now and ended up getting married to the guy last year. So they can't be all that bad. Guy is pretty nice as well.
  25. Phantasy Star Online 2

    Yeah, the trailer it got announced in just said it was for Windows PC. C'man, console release. Please?