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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    Stark and I just ended up ignoring that and did our own thing (and a couple others) when things got like that. Couldn't really be bothered with it. Wasn't there to argue or anything. You should totally resub to see what's going on and then make a new char on Wednesday/later Not sure if there's a single server where folk gather. I'd be fine making a character somewhere with other N-E folk. Even Alliance.... Yay Worgen!
  2. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    I ended up going resubbing cause there was a fair bit of stuff that was actually new and worth going on for with all the changes and the Shattering going on next week. Worth resubbing now I think. The core of Nocturnal ended up staying together though. Was good joining in with all the banter again.
  3. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    I'm on Nordrassil just now, though I still haven't transferred the drood from AQ. He's stuck there lonely and cold. Nocturnal disbanded in the start of August I think it was. Charlie's PC broke and was off for a fair bit during the summer, was fine at first, but then some higher ups couldn't be bothered and it fell apart after a bit. Then we had folk getting gear and not showing up and wanted to do more than 10 mans. Some of the regulars are in another guild now doing 25 man hcs. Had a semi meet back back in April. If you're still on fire me your Real ID and i'll get you added.
  4. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    So after a long break/hiatus I ended up starting this again with absolutely no pressure from people/friends Went and done togc insanity run thingy on my resto Shammy when I started back. Was weird getting used to it all again. Had to heal first load couple of boxes add on free which was lawlworthy. Then got healbot working. So much better than it was before. Just over 2 weeks till Cata!
  5. Sonic Colours

    Well, I think that's that settled then. Thanks for the heads up!
  6. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    I myself go to MMO-Champ to check on what's going on in ol' Azeroth. And levelling is always more fun with others. Why me and my friend have already decided what classes we'll be taking together to level with come Cata time Go go tank and healer!!
  7. 2010 - Wii's best ever year?

    You, my friend, said it all!
  8. I'm not sure if they'd make Shenmue III on the 360. Then again I think they'd be kind of stuck on what console to release this on. They will want to keep dev costs down. A lot. 360 has a bad user base in Japan so that might make them meh. PS3 will have high costs and might not sell terribly well in the US and Europe. On the Wii, might not be able to push what he wants from the Wii technically(though it still looks awesome on the DC), but better costs. But might get lost among all the crap. Wouldn't be surprised for some sort of multiplatforming, made for the Wii/360 then ported over. But make a Shenmue I & II compilation to help with the whole funding thing atleast, and get some new players in. Most Shenmue fans would rebuy it, especially if it helps with Shenmue III.
  9. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    There's pre-Cataclysm events going on. Just there has been a build to an Elemental invasion which targets Org, Thunder Bluff, Storm Wind and Iron Forge. My friend sent me images of it last night, looked pretty awesome.
  10. My current plan is to either just wait a little bit until it's so ragingly busy or just wait until Part 2 is about to come out and watch it just before I go see it.
  11. Disney's Epic Mickey

    Thankfully my Mother is a Disney junkie and asked me about this and I ended up swaying her to get it. Saves me buying it. Can't wait for this. Which still sounds odd seeing as i'm not a huge Disney fan.
  12. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    Ah yeah I see what you mean now. Wonder how many i've done thinking about it. My wardrobe and alchemy must be stupidly low.
  13. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    Revocation/class changes perhaps?
  14. Sonic Colours

    Man, I really want to get this. Saying that, I still need to get round to getting many games
  15. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    That'll be the same for me probably. I'll no doubt have montages to 85 with the 80's, then gear-age, then epic adventures from level 1. Hell, friend and I plotted on getting a kettle for our bedroom. Then stack up bottles of water and coffee powder and pot noodles. Hell it was meant for a joke but sounded awesome. But I kinda wanna make a Worgen so i'll be fine with Alliance. Then this whole Christmas thing... For the Horde...!! Ah well. We shall continue the Pigeons of the Fallen kind in your honour. How is the ol' Hunter doing?
  16. Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

    Is that what I think it is and what i'm trying to avoid? Anyways, not posted here in a while. Changed my Warrior to Paladin and Priest to Sage yesterday and got them in their mid 30s now, gonna get to 45+ I think before I continue. Thinking about turning my Paladin back to Warrior and making my main guy who's still a Minstrel to Paladin instead. The choices!
  17. Twitter

    Never noticed we had a Twitter thread before Here's mine if anyone wants to follow.
  18. What I thought the tweet before had intended but could be read the wrong way. Just not on the cards cause there was no news about it for now. I'll go with June/Summer time just now.
  19. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    Would anyone be up for bringing back Fallen Pigeons? Could have little side characters on some server that we can go on when not busy or on our mains and can lawl about and have glorios adventures with
  20. Dragonball Z Kai

    Really? First i've heard about that. And I thought I knew almost everything with DBZ. I thought the filler episodes was due to the anime being so stupidly close manga, and it's the studio that ends up handling the anime, not the authors.
  21. Dragonball Z Kai

    The driving school episode was a classic. They should've just kept it in for the proness it had.
  22. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    I remember the Fallen Pigeons back in the day with my lawl Draenei warrior. I'll probably try out the Goblin and Worgen introductions to see what they're like then make my holy cow and level the Shammy.
  23. Cataclysm: World of Warcraft

    Hmm, you raise a good point about a playlist. Shall need to make one myself. That and i'll need to get some sort of stash in order That's not too far now, is it? Anyone going a worgen/goblin/new class/new main when this is out?
  24. Mario Sports Mix

    Aww cool. There's S-E/DQ chars in the game!? Made me want this now
  25. Dragonball Z Kai

    Really? That's all you've been able to find? I watch the Jap subs each week and it's Perfect Cell time! You need to be enlightened!