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Everything posted by ShadowV7

  1. Metroid: Other M

    Yeah, went and done that last night. By the 'cut off', I mean like the story was going, and was just cut by a knife and stopped. It felt to me that much more could've been done with the 'Deleter', since in the end, he didn't exactly serve a big role/was un-needed but was there regardless, and more regarding MB. Was such a stupid way she died for being that powerful. Not to mention the end boss, didn't think it was hard at all, Ridley should've kicked it's ass. I mean if MB went all crazy on our asses, all hell breaking lose which would be awesome to extend it some more. Instead it's
  2. 3DS Console Discussion

    If anything, you won't care much. I mean when I played this, not once did the thought ever occur to me that the screen was to small. You were to 'in the game' to notice to be honest.
  3. Metroid: Other M

    Just completed this. Really enjoyed it and all, but I get the feeling it ended prematurely, like there was more intended, but they just cut it short. ._.
  4. 3DS Console Discussion

    Yes, these are all public.
  5. Bleach (anime)

    I think it was due to the anime declining in Japan along with the anime pretty much always just behind the manga. Hmm, as much as I like Bleach, I think the author is pulling things out of his ass now.
  6. Bleach (anime)

    I still watch/read it. Just as a heads up, the anime is stopping after this arc, if you didn't already know.
  7. Pokémon Black & White

    Anyone still have an event card for shiny Raikou? I missed it ._.
  8. The Last Story (24th February)

    Indeed, the second shipment was there. They just didn't buy it. I expected 40-50k this week. I'm still surprised by the big drop.
  9. If you haven't had an accident and confident in your ability to drive, if it were me I wouldn't tell them.
  10. The "Rez" Report

    Happy ReZourceman day to you! Have a most joyous today of epic lulz!
  11. The Last Story (24th February)

    Screw you Japan. Really, screw you.
  12. 3DS Console Discussion

    So I already have my ticket for the event this weekend by signing up via Club Nintendo, but I got an e-mail and I think this is an invite from ONM now. Think i can get away with going to both? Might try and put down for another time straight after the one I already have, get some extra hands on time.
  13. The Last Story (24th February)

    Well after reading those rumoured sales, I had to search a little because I just found that hard to believe, a game completely sold out with only a few days on sale, could go from that to 20k or so. Turns out this is from a VGCharts preview that posted it's sold around 20k. I'll just wait and see till tomorrow and how it's turned out.
  14. Metroid Fusion

    Fine, fine. You all convinced me to play this again. You win. *Gets GBA SP*
  15. Metroid Fusion

    I really enjoyed the game, but thought it was to linear/easy in some respects/ But for a brand new copy for a fiver, it was totally worth it. Really want a side scrolling Metroid though. And for it to be on par with Super Metroid. What a game.
  16. Ahahaha. I laughed at that publicity shot, that kid looks so odd. I'll blame both here. Did the son do this over the space of a month so the mother didn't see all the payments in her bank statement? That and she could've easily put on parental controls. And the son must have known what he was doing, I just find ti so hard to believe he spent that much points without a thought. Though MS online system is a pain in the ass with debit cards. I've never paid via card since I tried to end my subscription/take off card details.
  17. PilotWings Resort

    I think I best get some downloading then! And mass video watching! But people seem so hyped for this, what would you say the appeal/catch for it is?
  18. Tales of Graces F

    Oh don't get me wrong, I know all my Tales news. Just suggesting, as the quote said from Namco that you mentioned, it could go to the Wii also and they can't even confirm a console version. We just have relatively no news ever since the web page got updated. No console or time frame and can't say what console even though it would seem likely to be for the PS3. Just seems odd.
  19. 3DS Console Discussion

    Ever since E3 last year, there's been next to no complaints till recently. I'd be very inclined to say it's very subjective and a matter of getting used to it if that's the case. @ Choze, I think it's safe to say Ridge Racer is a very bad example, everyone can see how bad that is. There might be some hope atleast though, if Capcom can successfully port RE 5 over. Although, it's pretty unfair to compare 3D on the PS3, which is a oowerful machine against a handheld I'm confident that it'll be more powerfull than the PSP, we just need to get through the inevitable mass porting/cash ins.
  20. Tales of Graces F

    Looks to be just the US so far.
  21. Tales of Graces F

    It is official, though they haven't announced what console it's for. Despite the chances of it being stupidly high that it's for the PS3.
  22. Bluey's going Reddy for Red Nose Day!!

    Was to be fully expected to be honest, it's something that can easily be taken the wrong way. I think it was understandable enough anyway, least it's cleared up
  23. A Tale of Two Birthdays

    Happy day of birth from the womb to you Ashley!
  24. Rage Quit

    Nah not me, I welcome it, it atleast lifts the spirit up! Yeah you got it right, Zero used to be here back in the day. Didn't have him as getting annoyed type, thought he was a calm, collected soul Also, that's the first i've ever seen any Super Meat Boy. It's looks awesome. Bring on the challenge *willnodoubtrageifbought*
  25. Rage Quit

    That was awesome. I got a fair amount of laughs at that, all way to the end. Thankfully I never seem to get like that