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Everything posted by AMN-Ryan

  1. I know that this topic could get a little flamey, that is just the nature of the internet :P Anyway, with the recent news of the Revolutions specs that seem, on paper, underwhelming does that entice some gamers out there to thinks more about a PS3 or Xbox 360? Are a few of you still waiting for screenshots? Will the Revolution be the "2nd" system that sits next to the PS3 or Xbox 360? I want to hear some truthful opinions about this because I am curious. As for me, in light of the recent announcments, the Revolution is going to be my "2nd" system. I think that the revmote is a neat idea and I want to see it in motion. As for a first console of choice, the PS3 looks like it will provide me with a gaming experience that I'm looking for.
  2. http://psp.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=2458 Oh, its true
  3. There is no way that is the real logo, I think it's just a place holder. I would think that the new logo will be something similar to the two squares for the DS. Nintendo has a thing for the minimalistic, baron line thing right now so expect more geometric figures, not some freeform R
  4. PalmPilots have been using a touch screen for years and years.... Nintendo didn't invent the touch screen, they just made it gaming friendly
  5. An interview with Mario Eckl, Creator of PSP MAP if you guys don't know what PSPmap is goto http://www.pspmap.net Its like a social networking site for psp owners. Really cool.
  6. Interesting question. Here is my take on it: I see a value to both situations. On one hand, you would have another console that would butt heads, directly, once again with Sony and Microsoft. If Nintendo would have come up with a "GC 2" and had it been comparable but cheaper than the other consoles, that would be a winner in my eyes. With this new radical direction, and supposed low price, it will be interesting to see if it becomes a "primary" console or a "secondary" one. The games that Nintendo will publish will be good (I would have said fantastic a few years ago but some GC games let me down, hard), that isn't a question. What 3rd parties have in store is yet to be seen. If they are unable to port games, dev houses will have to make a choice, find a way to fit the controller controls in, not port, make an add-on device the controller (expensive for gamers), or split dev teams for entirly new games. I only see a few of those options happening. I do like the controller idea, I can't wait to get my hands on it but for now, I remain skeptical until I see the games. We can dream of all the possiblilties but if they never get made our dreams will fall flat. Show me the games!
  7. Any Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing. I would also recommend Dynasty Warrior games becuase all you do is mindlessly go through mobs of baddies. Enjoyable!
  8. It is interesting to see the different ideas that they had for the Revo controller. Personally, I would have wanted an analogue stick on the current model. There are some that look too "mousey" and there are some that look too "iPody" I think they chose perfectly for the final design.
  9. Can't blame some companies for trying to increase their bottom line with "safe bet" games...
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