Whilst Nintendo's online service for DS is sufficient, for a home console it's just simply not good enough. If they can successfully build a community-based interface much like L!VE then we're onto something.
In any case I will never, ever pay to play games online. Even though I appreciate the fact that servers cost money, paying for a top Broadband connection, then paying for the game, and then paying for the subscription fees to play that game is just way too much money, especially since we've just seen game prices breach the £50 thresh-hold.
With regards to the Retro comment; this guy is just a trash-talking, company-cheerleading nonce, much like Phil Harrison and Reginald Fils-Aime. Sure, there are some games that age badly (mostly pre-16Bit and 32/64Bit in some cases), but there are a massive wealth of classics out there, and anyone criticising the likes of Super Mario World shouldn't be working in the games industry.