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Everything posted by tpfkanep

  1. Does the freeloader work with NTSC GC games?
  2. I do not care for that dodgy shot... it has not changed my resolve to only get a Revolution next-gen. I can't wait to see the games in action.
  3. I am about to buy this game, but the US NTSC version. Does it work with Freeloader 1.06B? I know of the Japanese version that does not display text properly.
  4. Ahhh! The SNES. I missed out completely on that brilliant machine. Cannot wait for the Virtual Console!!!! All those SNES and N64 games will make a big dent (hopefully not) in my finances.
  5. I used to think like this in the past. Nowadays I only play RPGs for their battlesystem. An RPG can have the best storyline, but if the battlesystem (gameplay) is crap, why bother to play?
  6. I agree with this. Story in games are not really needed. To advocate "deeper" storylines as advancement for a game is silly. Advancement of games = better (however you define it) gameplay. I do not play games for story (arrrgh! not another cut-scene!), I play for fun, enjoyment, gameplay. Want story and plot? Go read a book. Or watch a movie. Or something equally silly.
  7. - Anyone needs a slave? - Will not work for food. - Will sell soul to Devil . - Also available: Granny in prestine condition. PM your offers.
  8. Remember, we are talking about a console with a codename of Revolution. Your thinking is still entrenched in "how can we make current gen genres work with the Revmote". Nothing wrong with that. Did Miyamoto/Aonoma (the guy that is doing Zelda) not say that TP will be the last Zelda that will be played in the "classical" style and that the revo Zelda will be totally different? That's what I want from the Revolution. If M128 plays like a glorified M64 (which I have not played - bring on the Virtual Console!) or a superior Mario Sunshine with Revmote attached to it: Count me out.
  9. Metroid Prime.
  10. I am glad that I will not have to get a new TV. Money for TV will go to games/accesories.
  11. A First Person Mario will be great.
  12. Nothing. Credit Card will have to help out. I am not an early adopter, might wait for a price cut; but if the launch price is $299.99, I will get one at launch.
  13. Colloseum is actuall quite good (edit: my first foray into the phenomenon). Spent 99+ hours with this (in the NTSC version of the game the clock showing how much time spent max out at 99:59). Have ~40 purified Pokemons. Dunno if this is wise. Altho the battle system is not that advanced (it's better than a lot of other RPGs), I think an 8-year old will fail to fully grasp the beauty, simplicity and at times complexity of the battle system. Agreed. At first I felt a bit let down by this, but after seeing how beautiful and lavishly animated the Pokemon are in battle, I quickly forgot about this.
  14. 1st RPG = awesome. For the die-hard fan of the genre = derivative. I did not particularly find it challenging, both the story (save the world = old hat) and battle system (which is about the only reason I still play RPGs) are mediocre. The gfx style (cell shaded) is also mundane. Spent a good 60+ hours with this.
  15. If MP3 decends to the "depth" of FPA, I will forever abandon Samus. MP is not just about shooting and killing... As for multi-player... I do not care, just give me a beautiful single-player experience that is better than MP2. As this will be the last (?) MP, this better be good.
  16. With or without the controller: My mind was 99% made up - Revolution for me. Maybe even on launch, if it is available here. I will only have one console this time round. That controller has re-ignited my excitement. Can't wait.
  17. At 1st I was: WTF? Then, after seeing the videos: WTF?!? I am so happy. And relieved. It's not what I expected. It's way more. This is the most exciting thing that I have witnessed in the VG industry. A company with over 20 years experience still trying to innovate, to challenge and to shift boundaries. This announcement and revelation epitomises why I am a great lover of VG. Way to go, Nintendo. Way to go. My faith has been restored in VG. The Revolution will be the only console for me. :awesome:
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