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Everything posted by Sentient//

  1. According to the italian PlanetNintendo.it, it seems that Nintendo wants a strong launch line-up for the Wii U (and it's not a new thing) and Super Mario Galaxy 3 is one of the titles in pole position Original source: http://www.planetnintendo.it/news/01112011/ In the same news there is a new update for Metroid Dread (always a rumor)
  2. No GTA road. They have chosen games with a great historical value, easy to pronounce (in fact some names will be translated in spanish, like Final Fantasy and Space Invaders) and not violent The almost complete list of the names is available in the italian article. Very funny the fact about Sonic, ahahahahahahah!
  3. This is the first Mario Avenue in all the world, in Zaragoza. I found this report in italian, the only one with all the details of the event: http://www.planetnintendo.it/extra/08112010 Finally Mario had his road
  4. It's a minigame compilation, with the crazy japanese humor
  5. Interview (the original source is italian): http://translate.google.it/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.planetnintendo.it%2Fextra%2Finterviews%2Fhudson022009&sl=it&tl=en&hl=it&ie=UTF-8
  6. Do you remember Hudson's revelation during an interview with the italian PlanetNintendo.it? That's all true, Kororinpa 2 and Hard Working People really exist! Here the two trailers from the GC 2008: Kororinpa 2 seems great and Hard Working People has a nice Wario Ware feeling Both of them will be released next year
  7. Do you remember Hudson's revelation during an interview with the italian PlanetNintendo.it? That's all true, Kororinpa 2 and Hard Working People really exist! Here the two trailers from the GC 2008: Kororinpa 2 seems great and Hard Working People has a nice Wario Ware feeling Both of them will be released next year
  8. The television invasion
  9. In Nnooo there are only three full-time members
  10. The sales of the DS are not well as in the past months, also in Japan. hardware revision really on the way?
  11. I agree, but it was an experimental title like Battalion Wars, Mario Baseball and others. Nintendo released them on the Cube to see if they can have a future
  12. Sentient//


    We have more time to play it, waiting for Smash Bros
  13. Fantastic game. I think that the 'worst thing' is the lack of a world map to see where you have to go
  14. Hardcore... casual... who cares? They don't decide what i have to play
  15. Clover guys are always on fire!
  16. There are games sold for more and lasts two hours The three/four hours of LostWinds are simply great
  17. Capcom games like Resident Evil 5 and Bionic Commando
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