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Everything posted by mario_jr

  1. What was the last song you listened to?

    Beware - the Deftones 20/10:woops:
  2. Wii Hardware Discussion

    Just don't use it, DUHH:blank:
  3. Wii Hardware Discussion

    HAHAHA and you guys thought the PS3 was expensive. http://www.compusa.com/products/products.asp?N=201290&Ne=200000&Cn=Gaming_Wii_Console And look at the bottom of the page, right a review and you could win $250 to buy your Wii. http://www.compusa.com/products/product_info.asp?product_code=342676&pfp=browse&tabtype=rv#moreinfo
  4. Escape From Bug Island

    man this game is ugly.
  5. Firefox annoyance

    Click View on the menu bar go to Side bar click Bookmarks thats what I did
  6. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Have any of you heard or read about the game flOw. I read it yesterday on IGN mobile, and I couldn't help but laugh at it. They say there isn't a game like it.....just don't tell them about Spore. :wink:
  7. Photoshop That: George Bush

    Blue that is the weirdest thing, cause without scrolling down I was like "Maybe they should put a huge corn there" and bam there it was when I scrolled down. Weird shit man I'm telling you.
  8. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    OMFG WTF!!! http://www.gamebrink.com/playstation-2/1833-Bully-video-2.html
  9. Playstation Discussion Archive

    That advert is a way of telling the consumer that their life is boring so buy a PS3
  10. FireFox 2.0 is Out!!!!!!

    Its good, now that I got the FlashGot plugin for FlashGet.
  11. The Specs

    lets hope the "Who Cares about the Specs" or the "They're fake Specs" people keep their mouths shut too, cause you know one of them are going to complain, lets see who's first.
  12. Wii Adverts

    just got in from work, and I saw the Toys R Us booklet that will go in to this Sundays paper. The Wii had most of a whole page to its self: peace: , less then 25% of the page was for GC, where as the PS3 had to share a page with the 360:heh: , they both had half.
  13. The Specs

    dude this could've gone in the Wii Hardware discussion.
  14. Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis

    As I noticed that too:hmm: . It moved "Slow" where as DHJ was very fast paced.
  15. Funny videos, flash games, etc

    That was thee most STUPID SHIT I've have ever seen on Youtube or anywhere else. Who ever made that should be shot "Nine Thousand" times in the face.
  16. Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis

    yeah except for the lag on the "Shit"Axis:sad:
  17. Possible Wii Killer

    Is it easy to program for, like the Wiimote that can learn.
  18. Playstation Discussion Archive

    Oh wow you can download their PS1 and PS2 games cool:yay: ..., Oh wait:blank: fuck that shit when I can just use the backwards capabilities::shrug: . Yeah real smart Sony.
  19. Wii Remote >>> Sixaxis

    Can't wait for that scenario:hehe: "Unable to install new hardware" (insert kid playing Unreal Tournament) "What new hardware its a fucking Sony CONTROLLER!!!" "Unable to locate drivers for your device" "What device its a CONTROLLER from SONY!!!!" "Please connect your Sony controller now to Sync. "It is connected you peice of SHIT!!!!"
  20. Zelda-Halo-God of War:1 console

    One word: Atari we all know how that went.
  21. Do you think he's biased???

    man the GC would've been #1 had the N64 played disks instead of cartridges. Its the reason why companys didn't make much games for their system, CDs are cheaper to make than cartridges.
  22. Do you think he's biased???

    yeah I kind of think it will happen. Iwata said that the next console will have HD, this is sort of like the "Bait" so we can fall for the "Hook Line and Sinker". Like PS1 to PS2.
  23. Person is fired from Joystiq

    wow is he ever wrong. MS is burning threw wads of cash cause they can, but Sony is burning threw wads of borrowed cash. And no they are not bringing us new video game technology only upgrades. Thanks Robert Summa your articles keep me up to date with the wrong stupid uninformed opinions of an attention seeking Asshole.:horse:
  24. Playstation Discussion Archive

    No the future is about playing games with out playing games: peace: ......Does that even make sense:wtf: ????