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Everything posted by AeroScap

  1. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    One thing I want to know when you select someone else's player from another team. Do you have to press A when the stars are dropping down and if you get them your player is better? Or doesnt it matter?
  2. Post Your Purchases

    I got myself Pro evo for the wii! Its a good suitable distraction from brawl! Though I am kinda pissed they dont have hong kong in the champ mode. So I am going through with Osaka!
  3. post your room!!

    That is officialy the coolest thing since a bag of milk. I would totally paypal you some money for you to get me some if it didnt taste like unwashed dog..
  4. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    Damn right I got my copy already!! Time to break out sheffield wednesday!!! That's right after a shower and some well deserved coke.
  5. Jaffa Cakes

    Also the best post ever! xD PS: sponge = cake
  6. Jaffa Cakes

    Hahah! post of the day!!! Kre!
  7. Vegetarianism

    All valid approaches but those "hippy chefs"
  8. post your room!!

    O M G ! Is that a BAG of pocari sweat?!
  9. User Image Gallery

    Not cool enough to buy some new jeans *tsk*
  10. Vegetarianism

    Garr there is one pet peeve I have with the whole "be kind to animals" movement and that my friends is the "hippy chefs". Basically a cross between a hippy and a chef. Like in jamie's program about the chickensm, they say they are trying to stop the cruel ways of getting chicken on our plate but frankly they havent really thought it through. The reason why people buy the 2 for £5 chickens is that as a country most of the customers are just poor. So instead of pleading and begging to the coutry that to pay the extra 4 quid for the better chicken is "worth" it, They should be looking for a way to reduce the cost of the "better" chickens. Because simply they cant afford it and they dont need 24hr spammage by the other chefs on tv aswell to tell them something that just isnt a consideration.
  11. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    Gahh! I most go! buy! Brb! hopefully the god of buses is nice to me and gets me down to oxford center quick!
  12. User Image Gallery

    Speaking of hair on the head.... Went to this new hair dressers around the corner! [girl] hair was so long before it was getting split end XD[/girl] Myspace pose was because it was too bright to actually get definition in the hair so i had to hold the phone up (wait was i meant to close the girl tag there instead XD)
  13. Vegetarianism

    I most certainly hold the view that animals do have feelings. It can be easy to see how if you punish a dog for say biting someone a hit over the head and you can hear them whining. I can safely bet a majority of animals have feelings we just need to spend long enough to start identifying them in anyone but humans. Like when chimpanzees learn sign language and have been known to reason, use verbs and nouns together and ask questions and reply. Though one of my pet peeves are vegetarians who eat look-a-like meet. I mean if i went veggie I would be eating things which look like vegatables. Look-a-like burgers and sausages etc are just too paradoxical for someone who has sworn off meat.
  14. PES 2008 Pro Evolution Soccer

    What do you think guys? Worth going out to town to see if it is out, for am impulse buy?
  15. Jamba Agony Aunt Round 2!

    Lol I thikn if anyone gets one send it along caris' way. haha
  16. Post Your Purchases

    Now that shouldnt be a problem since i do have a HD tv and that the film will not only be cheaper from the US but the games would be aswell! I was only thinking about the region free if there happens to be like a ok game in the bargin bin or something. cheers jordan
  17. Post Your Purchases

    I'm thinking about getting a PS3 but from the US since the games are region free. Right....?
  18. How was your day?

    Gahh I hate late nights doing work! *cheer eenuh* Thing is though you might not see it the drawing are definitely more than just scribbles as they have an air of professionalism. Might be because of the finish but regardless.
  19. Jamba Agony Aunt Round 2!

    All sounds like a sweet bitter pill to swallow XD What would you guys see; as a way of tackling or defusing such a dilema?
  20. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    It is because brawl is a dual-layer disc. With two layers it must mean that the reflectivity of the first layer must be extremely low in order for the laser to read the second layer. Since it is so low, the wii laser (already weaker than most for dual layer) when trying to read data might on occassion NOT get the data from first layer and it simply has not reflected back due to the low reflectivity. It could easily be the other way around where the second layer cant be read well due to a high layer 1 reflectivity. As to what nintendo do with the console.. I have no idea but people still report problem with it after and those who have it in a smoke and pet free house still get the problem..
  21. Jamba Agony Aunt Round 2!

    Hilariously I think it is part fear of rejection and part not wanting to be the imposing man whores that you get around. Whenever I look at people who literally just get with the first thing that falls into their fat arms, makes me pity them. Maybe a pity which I wouldnt like to impose on myself, if that should happen. So I dont tend to be that adventurous when it comes to "pulling". and in answer to the latter question posed. Its a mostly and squarely 50:50 both! Ive had friends which have siad "she said she was totally into you" "thought you were cute" etc and sometimes there are some which are abosultely stunning but regardless in whatever situation whether i think they are nice or not. It is pretty much the same outcome. and I wouldnt put it down to fear of relationships caus i have had many in the past and its has been fine. Its since uni... *strokes chin* -------------- Hum Aimless a very thought provoking post I get what you are trying to say. In the situation I am more questioning the "capacity" to put myself out there rather than the "motive" of putting myself out there. (hopefully that makes sense). I mean there was no situation where I can say I forced msyelf into a situation because they arent right because there has been times where I thought "shes nice" but I just end up taking a nice cold shower instead :S That is very intriguing I have never consciously thought that I wanted one but it I cant out right deny your suggestion..
  22. Jamba Agony Aunt Round 2!

    Come on then!
  23. Jamba Agony Aunt Round 2!

    any life lessons when you are too picky when it comes to the opposite half? oo and when you literally get pick out in a club and you find it hard to take the plunge beyond a quick dance :S Agony jamba helps!
  24. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Spoilers Topic)

    Just stopped this on gonintendo, it made me chuckle! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/194321.html
  25. How was your day?

    Yeah they are good things to go to but frankly a good sixth form support helps a lot! Especially when drafting your personal statement! Though some of their views are often wayy off! (i.e. i started my personal statement for law with the quote "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers" from shakespeare's henry VI) - a no brainer TBH :P