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    Mario Kart DS: 206218612568

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  1. September 14th is a crap date, Tingle RPG is cool, but I imagine I'll import Super Paper Mario if a good mod or freeloader comes out by then.
  2. Well now I am on the verge of modding my Wii so I can play Super Paper Mario. Am definately not going to steal games. But what would work awesome is a Wii Freeloader.
  3. I hope Datel comes out with a wii freeloader soon, then I'd jump over it.
  4. Wow, those artworks are so amazing. I love the way the
  5. Seriously, has anyone got links to NOE on this forum? We need to find out wtf is going on. I don't give a shit about Mario Sports game 112. Whats so hard about giving us a game in english which is being relased in the US next week? EDIT: And is there a Wii region free mod yet? Right now would be a great time for Datel to come out with a freeloader =/
  7. so 'being picked' definitely means that I'm gonna get it on release? If so YAY
  8. Gameplay guys-I just checked my account and it says my zelda and wii are 'being picked' and the dispatch date says 'today', does this mean it has actually shipped or what?
  9. revcube

    My Sims

    I love this artstyle, it's the only EA game I have ever been interested in ever, if they nail the gameplay+bring it to the west this will be a buy for me
  10. I did this yesterday but its pretty pointless, apart from knowing the fact that the Wii actually already has a web browser built in.
  11. THANK YOU GAMEPLAY, now i don't have to bother with amazon! But..what if there's not a zelda for me and it doesnt ship just because of that? >_>
  12. NOOO, 9am? How am I going to be the first ones to order it while i'm in school? =/ *sigh*
  13. I think this is so nintendo can advertise channels as they come out or something
  14. Wow, amazing, Nintendo of Europe are actually advertising a month in advance AND the ad is quite 'mature' and doesn't make it a kids toy for once! Now keep it up.
  15. The problem is it seemed like they weren't even interested and have barely played any Zelda game before by the looks of some of the stuff they did, plus why did they have to make lame jokes every 2 seconds, it's the first time the full beginning was shown to the public and they did it like that? =/
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