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  • Location
    Cornwall , home of the pasty


  • Other Systems Owned
    Sega game gear
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  • Nintendo Wi-Fi Friend Codes
    MK:DS = 0773 6983 6161
    AC:WW = 3093 0673 9661

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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Amazon tryed to order my Wii an hour ago, damm college, i now have to sort out another time for them to deliver, hopefully i can get it today
  2. Amazon is showing that from 7 am this morning my wii has been sitting somewhere less than three miles away from my house, but they still have not dispatched my games, and they keep saying they will be here today, damm college, if it was not due to needing the damm £30 via ema to pay for the wii i could had stayed at home
  3. If their is a PCworld near you, they are selling a 250GB freecom gardrive for £90 its a good price
  4. It could just be a url they had, and are using it because there is not a lot of infomation to give on the console.
  5. I think most people which i good mind will as well.
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