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Posts posted by triforcemario

  1. Triforce, let it slip to a friend that you like her and he'll "accidently" tell one of her friends who in turn will tell her (because all girls are gossiping bitches). Then you don't have to do anything and as far as you're concerned its exactly the same as it was before.
    Tried that already. Failed more than comunism.


    Not quite following you here. What exactly do they do? Why does this effect your relationship with her.
    It's not an effect on our relationship exactly... Basically, these guys take advantage of any shit that happens to me to make me feel even shittier, and if she rejects me, and they discover....
  2. I see what you mean. Well at the end of the day life is a risk. Sometimes you just got to gamble. Try to find out how she feels about you, then if the feeling isn't mutual you're probably doing the right thing.


    Keep me posted: peace:

    Well, one other problem. Lot's of the kids from her village enjoy making my life a nightmare when a disfortune happens to me in that area... :(
  3. Yes. Your so damn lucky...


    I don't really i'm just jealous...

    The chances are the ***** at my local store will say the same thing as Viewtiful Joe DS and tell me I can't buy it yet :(


    Anyway, technically, you can't kill me, I may live in Spain, but I'm definatly not Spanish.

  4. Those freaking bastards getting it early...


    I hate them all...

    They even made me swear...


    Shadow is outraged by this, but at the same time, if retailers have them in Europe...maybe sent tomorrow? :heh:

    Do you hate me then? :cry:
  5. Yeah the hose is the only thing we can think of. But knowing our dog, she'll start running around like crazy, attacking the water from the hose or something, thus resulting in even more mud and dirtyness.


    I guess I'll have to find a way to clean all the windows as well... >.<;

    You could always attach it to some form of chain, then do it from a distance, where the dog can't reach you...

  6. something really wierd just happened to me right now....i was laying in bed and every time i was half asleep i couldn't catch my breath and was jolted awake again. This happened twice so i decided to go the the bathroom. I was walking down the hall and my vision was filled with a white light for a split second with the sound of what sounded like a strong gust of wind blowing past me.

    Now i don't want to go to sleep *scared wimper*

    A ghost was trying to force you into giving him a blowjob. Isn't it obvious?
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