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Posts posted by triforcemario

  1. Hahahahahahahahahhaha! Dynasty Bitch added me on MSN.


    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Eating animals FTW

    PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

    at least i won't get cancer

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Yeah thats true. Meat IS a huge cause of cancer.

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    But cows just taste fucking amazing.

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    And Tesco Value beef? FUCKING AWESOME! I mean yeah the animals are treated poorly in their life, but hey they taste great.

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Its a win win situation, right.

    PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

    well, one day you'll die fomr your pathetic lifestyle...bye

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Whats "fomr" mean?

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    I dont speak vegan

    PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

    a typo....you jackass

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    or Vegitang or whatever the fuck you are.

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Oh a typo.

    PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

    laptops have shit keyboards

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Never make them myself. All the meat makes me concentrate well you see.

    PSNID: d-gal - http://www.psrv.co.nr - now ad free and with upgraded shoutbox says:

    yeah, concentrate well on your bullshit bye

    ReZourceman - We don't have the heart to tell him its herpes. says:

    Good comeback

    This is the best thing I've read all day :bowdown:
  2. Why is the the SSBM-theme and not the SSBB-theme playing in the background?

    Why do we only see the front cover? And why does he move it so much in front of the camera?

    Why does he not talk about one single thing from the game but speaks of some general things?

    Why don't we see him playing it?


    It's obviously fake. :P

    Listen carefully, it's the SSBB remix from the SSBD website. He could have easily ripped it and edited it so it looped though.
  3. endless-ocean-big.jpg


    Endless Ocean - 22 euros (2nd Hand)




    Rockstar Game's Table Tennis - 30 euros (also second hand)




    Geometry Wars Galaxies - 25 euros (with 15 euro discount from GAME instore card)




    Psychonauts - 3 euros (bargain of the month)

  4. Oh god, I want all of them. ALL OF THEM?! Fortunally, Nights is coming out next month out here, so I'll have a little more time to save up :)


    But still, even though I've currently got 85 euros, where am I gonna get the additional 85 euros from?! (Note, I'm including GAME storecard points which will add up to around 15 euros, although I'm thinking about buying 3 games first, and getting points from them, and then buying another one later XD).


    Also, I want to get Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and Endless Ocean soon. Damn, my gaming addiction is burning a huge, huge hole in my pocket :(

  5. MBAM: Thought I'd tell you that there's a special stripped down version of The Sims 2 avalible for laptops. It's called "The Sims Life Stories", and it includes both a sandbox and 2 storyline modes. The downsides are that it lacks a lot of the content found in later expansion packs, and no additional mods from The Sims 2 can be installed. But hey, the upsides are that it can look quite decent even on a somewhat lower spec laptop, and it automatically runs in windowed mode (without any slow-down), which means you can still surf the internet and use a IM program at the same time.

  6. I Am Legend.


    Really good film, in my opinion. Some slightly awkward CGi, but no-where near as bad as what people let on to be. Also, Will Smith played the role really well, and actually made me feel really sad for him :(


    Now, for the controversal part of the review that might brew up some debate and possibly an argument of some kind. The ending. Personally, I liked it, why? Because these days, we live in a overly Politically correct society where film-makers are too scared to have religious overtones in their films because they're scared that people will protest against it, accusing it of being racist, while this film did add a rather large Christian overtone near the end, and tbh, we need to see more things like this in films these days, so hopefully we might be able to see an end to all this utter madness about religion in cinema.


    On the whole, it was a very, very good movie, and it had some genuinely great chemistry between Robert Neville and his dog, Sam.



  7. :|


    I found the purple coin music, but it's a really bad recording of it, arghh..


    Sparko, could you send it to me?

    I downloaded a torrent of the entire "official" soundtrack, which includes that song, if you want, I can send you the torrent.

  8. Long jump.

    That didn't work either. Each time I did it, those bloody rabbits changed direction!


    Anyhow, I did manage to beat it evenually (I discovered that shooting it with a star-thingy paralized it for a few seconds), and now I've unlocked Luigi, and I've earned 2 stars with him so far. :yay:

  9. It's actually quite easy once you realise that you can trap the rabbits in the holes in the top and bottom of the planet.

    I noticed that too, except after trying the second time (after doing it once and failing), they always went off course then they got close to the hole. :shakehead

  10. Another thing that makes me hate this world: Fat ***** who think they're superior to you by picking fights with me for no reason at all, although they have the intellence of a fucking walrus. Actually, take that back, that's insulting Walruses.


    Seriously, WTF is wrong with these retarded chimps we call human beings?!

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