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Posts posted by triforcemario

  1. Bah, the sooner the day goes, the better. It's mearly an excuse for the scum of today's society to take the piss out of people like myself who aren't part of the sheep that form today's society.


    On a lighter note, hilariously enough, when my maths class began today, my teacher, NAME REMOVED SINCE IT APPEARED IN GOOGLE (Note, he's very much a Nazi-type teacher), pulled out a huge pile of Valentine cards, and informed the class if anyone wished to give him one in the future, that they should present it to him in person rather than sending it to him anonymously.

  2. I'm so fucking sick of being single now...-.- 5 customers today asked me about v-day...everytime I got


    ''aww all on your own then''


    please do fuck off >=]

    I feel the same, nightwolf. Every f***ing w***** I know constantly going on 'bout Valentine's Day... -insert random grumbling here-
  3. HAI GUYS!




    Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.


    *carves V into poster on wall*


    The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.




    Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V.

  4. I found it highly disapointing compared to Life on Mars, to be perfectly honest. I feel that they should have just left it at Life on Mars, and left the "time travel" concept a mystery.


    I can't quite put my finger on it, but it just felt incredibly dissapointing.

  5. Heh, you're lucky Twozzok, you only have to do 2 minutes. I have to do a minimum of 10 minutes, in a language I've yet to perfect (Spanish).


    Okay, back to subject now, I recommend you bring up various videogame-related crimes (Like the Columbine massacre), and bring up people who are against videogames (Jack Thompson), and state your opinion why you feel their opinions are wrong, blablabla....

  6. Well, I'm already betting that some of the wankers at my school are going to send me prank cards this year, and I wouldn't put it past them to pay for flowers to go with them as well, just to make me look even more stupid.


    Fucking wankers... -grumble grumble-

  7. For the next Zelda game, one thing I don't want to see is big war secuences. We don't want Zelda to fall into the LOTR-cliche now, do we? What I would like to see is the following:

    1.) Larger enviroments, the ability to go anywhere without boundaries or having to enter, say, a mountain or a desert from a specific location.

    2.) A proper forest.

    3.) Some darker moments in the game, and perhaps some Lovecraftian-style moments and monsters, perhaps?

    4.) Slightly higher dificulty level. Twilight Princess was just too easy really.

    5.) Dungeon designs that would rival even Twilight Princess.

    6.) An Orchestal soundtrack.

    7.) An over-the-shoulder perspective.


    I'm sure there's more stuff I could think of, but I cba right now :heh:

  8. RAN

    A truly exceptional film by the director Akira Kurosawa (also directed and wrote Seven Samurai). The film is a loose adaptation of King Lear, but based in Japan during the 16th century. The script is truly remarkable, the acting is some of the finest ever shown on the silver screen, the cinematography is just inspiring. In the film, there are 2 scenes when 2 castles are burnt down. Instead of taking the cheaper path by using scale miniatures, Akira Kurosawa insisted in not only burning down full scale castles, but also having them built and burnt on locations like Mount Fuji, Japan's biggest mountain.


    On the whole, I couldn't recommend this film more. It's one of the finest motion pictures ever concieved, and hopefully will never be forgetten.



  9. ust had a great time talking, all getting to know each other. She's a red head, beautiful, intelligent, a little of the wall, very neat but loves animals. My ideal woman basically. Except that she already has a boyfriend.


    There is a god, and he hates me.

    Weird, I was in that exact situation a few months back. (Quite literally, exact)


    God hates me as well :(

  10. Wow cooky, I see lots of dumb posts on the internet but yours is off the chart.

    You are dissing a game you never tried, that made by the guy that invented rythm games and always made awesome games and say 25 songs isn't a lot, which is like 5 less than GH1, and pretty much the norm for rythm games, not to mention that it hasn't anything to do with GH. Also, if you've read it, instead of going insta-idiot you'd know that the musics change depending on the band members and instruments, meaning you might listen 1 music in lots of different ways, because of the instruments they're played with.

    And Maase, what you say applies to most games, you really show a narrow minded view on videogames, but you're young, so it's pretty normal, just try to have more imagination.

    I have no idea if the game will be good either, but mindless trolling, specially with grade A developers is seriously stupid.

    Dear Mr Don Hellfire

    May I have your babies?

    Your's Sincerly,




  11. (Copypasta'd from the "How Was Your Day?" thread, but is also relevant to posts I wrote yesterday)


    Rather crap day today. Everyone at school (gossip spreads quicker than the Black Plague here) discovered about my failed attempt at asking a lass out, and I had to put up with an entire day of piss taking from all the school scum (around 90% of the school, btw).



  12. Rather crap day today. Everyone at school (gossip spreads quicker than the Black Plague here) discovered about my failed attempt at asking a lass out, and I had to put up with an entire day of piss taking from all the school scum (around 90% of the school, btw).



  13. hahaha, oh shush yourself. I've been single for a while and there's some hot guys around here ^.^


    EDIT: so where do you live then tm? XD

    I live in southern Spain. Not good for someone like me who can't get a tan to save his life (even during the baking hot summers here, I can't get one)

    When you say 'literally' you don't actually mean 'literally' at all, do you? Although it might explain the rape allegation.

    I'm not weird as in "woohoo im gunna raep u!" but as in I'm... eccentric to a certain extent. By nature I'm not a violent person, so the last thing the average sane human would do is accuse me of raping her/him/it.

  14. I'm a 6 foot 1 inch gamer/I.T/film nerd with size 10 1/2 shoes (that's what it says on my shoes anyway XD). Plus, I'm known to have a quite eccentric personality.


    And please note: I live in a country where gamers/I.T/Film nerds are near to non-existent, and every male plays some sport (I can't due to spinal injuries).

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