Hi all,
Im new to the Wii U (just buyed on ebay), and my last console was the Super Nintendo 16bit (back in 1993!), so...
I did buy the Wii U 32gb, + Wii Remote Plus + Nunchuck.. and plan on getting the Pro Controller when its available.
Now, the console and the gamepad has their own stand, but were can I find a combo stand for my remote plus + nunchuck + pro controller, that act as a charger at the same time? and that its black to match the whole thing?
I know there is several chargers stand to hold the wii u gamepad, + 2/3/4 remotes, and some for the nunchuks as well, and there is a stand charger for 2 remotes or a stand for 2 pro controllers. But, do I really need to buy 2-3 holders and have empty bays cause I just have one of each?
Let me know if you find something, and where I can find it.
Thanks in advance.
Found this right now... ok, it may not be just perfect but could work.
www dot yuyuansz dot com/pichtml/Multifunction-Stand-for-Wii-U-GamePad-and-Wii-Remote_1005 dot html
But this wont charge, thats kind of dumb, needing to have this and having the remotes and the gamepad on the charger.. hmm.
Still going to search around. It must be something just thought out for those who want 1 of each accessory.