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Magnus Peterson

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Everything posted by Magnus Peterson

  1. I would be happy to join, if you'll have me?
  2. I was successful last night. Nothing else to report, unless people have questions for me. I have not targeted Sheikah at all this game, for what it is worth. I aint no thief, neither.
  3. Well, Vote: Diageo. Somebody has to die today. The mafia must be close to victory by now.
  4. Remove Vote: Peeps For now, at least.
  5. I was roleblocked last night. Also, Vote: Peeps so he feels some pressure.
  6. I'd just like to take this opportunity and say that my inactivity has been explained; I have nothing useful to offer. I did welcome any questions, but none have been asked of me today. Don't lynch me. : peace:
  7. I was successful last night. I have no wish to reveal myself unless forced to do so; I do not wish to paint myself as a target. Further questions are welcome.
  8. Oh, snap! Vote: ReZourceman I was successful last night. Seemingly nothing of value to add at our current proceedings, however.
  9. I've already said that in the various days' proceedings, or it can be worked out from what hath occurred. I presenthly hath no reasoning to repeat myself.
  10. I hath already stated thath I hath no information for today's proceedings. I remain quiet because I have nothing of note worth saying. I find Eenuh's claim quite believable. Whether it is true or not will require further investigation. I am not exactly sure why Diageo is for the lynching; I've tried reading back through and can't quite place the reason.
  11. I received no PM. I imagine nothing of interest occurred involving me.
  12. Tell us your target, @Tales ...What Jon said.
  13. I too shall add pressure upon Tales. He is our most intriguing suspect at this current time and I would like to know more of his defence, should he reappear. Vote: Tales
  14. @Tales. Who did you target last night? It is important. Also, @DuD. I would like to know more about your information that suggests it is the work of a booster.
  15. Fair enough. I have no further questions as of yet.
  16. Not necessarily. Who did you two target? It might be that you two targeted the same gent and was role-blocked. Tales and Jimbob, that is.
  17. @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, I would say with certainty that I wasn't the one with the least posts at that point. I don't think it works that way. I was successful last night. More details pending today's evolution but nothing seemingly of value.
  18. I don't what what you're talking about, sprout. Dreams? I know nothing of any dreams. My PM tells me that I put someone unconscious, on their trip to the target. Also, the 'note' was not in my PM but written up in the night write-up - pretty much for all to see. I am beginning to become suspicious of Sprout and Dud. Once I have re-read the thread, I'll see about voting for Rez.
  19. The swine I encountered, on their way to the one I had thought best to drop in on, was dealt a swift lesson in life's rugged affairs. Lesson learnt, said swine thought best to stay down to contemplate their dreams.
  20. Did we uncover anything out about the killer, yet this day? Or having we been merely spinning the wheel for shitsth and gigglesth?
  21. @heroicjanitor Why, I am the one who defended some other from another. I can not say whether I did or did not write that message, for I do not have that information. It seems to fit my actions last night accurately, however. I also agree with you that one of us who joined after the first night is likely to be an enemy. Obviously I'll state that I am not that fiend, but that is meaningless to thine ears. Keep an eye on us.
  22. @Rummy. I think so. It ties in with my night action. It does not have anything to do with the fire, though. (As far as I know) I don't know why I'm leaving messages on walls, either. I prevented someone from reaching my/their target - I have no knowledge as to who are what they are. Apparently, my duty is done. I will have a rest then.
  23. I was successful. Apparenthly, I left for you lot a note on the wall...
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