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Posts posted by The-Ironflame

  1. I just don't want to be forced to play a single gamestyle repeatedly, there's not even a game browser as there's always been in since the early PC online FPS's. It's been a system used online for ages and it's easy to use but I can live without it if it plays the right mixture of gametypes without it getting repetitive.

    But it looks like they're fixing the frequency of how often shotty snipers appearing.

  2. I've had Halo 3 since launch and only played the single player campaign because I've been playing Fifa 08 and Blue Dragon, I've been reading the matchmaking is a mess at the moment so I haven't missed much and anyway The Orange Box is out in 2 weeks!

    I need to start Bioshock before that's out.

  3. I'd rather not have it tacked on in the last minute though, I don't like how many games put so much into online multiplayer but put little into the offline stuff.


    This type of game would work better offline it's events are mostly done in short bursts and they don't look like they would work well online, I can't imagine Raving Rabbids being online either that wouldn't be as fun as playing offline with 3 other people in person.

  4. Im glad you enjoyed the twist, as did I. It was a shame the game had to end as I really enjoyed playing it, bring on Eternal Sonata!


    Oh yea, the Deathroy/Destroy boss theme is so damn epic.

    It's the perfect final battle theme, it really felt like "Crap I've almost finished this game"

    Then to be followed by a beautiful credits theme. :cry:


  5. I didn't see that happening great twist

    :D Zola was so mysterious yet I didn't realise she would betray me! And Dethroy I never suspected he would turn out that big and evil. Dammit Kluke pick Shu not Mr Boring :p.





    The job system has good depth and the turn based battle system is quick enough and the power gauge makes things nice and strategic, it's a very enjoyable turn based system. The storyline is pretty good better than most average RPG's.

    Graphics are stunning truely next gen apart from the slowdown now and again.

    The music is EPIC thanks to Nobuo Uematsu he's done a fantastic job capturing the whole style of this game.

  6. Yea I went to dashboard, I thought it would autosave when loading a new level as I said like they do normally in other games. I don't see a option for turning on autosave either. I have to go through Ghost town again.... GAH I'm playing in Heroic mode.

  7. Erm I got quite far last night in the Single player Campaign and it doesn't even autosave when loading a new level? Not even ask me whether I want to save or not or Save without quitting?

    I have to go through these 2 hard and tedious levels again.

  8. I got two games of Fifa 08 in then I went to send a message to that lucky bastard who beat me 0-2 when I had a gizillion chances to score and I hit the post twice... then it freezed.

    It's a pretty widespread problem that needs to be fixed right now.

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