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Everything posted by The-Ironflame

  1. Football Season 05/06

    Reyes was crap at least Freddie put in tons of effort to help defend. It was like Freddie was given instructions not to venture forward to often but later on when he was allowed to move forward he was much better and he still had the energy to track back.
  2. Football Season 05/06

    Henry didn't have much support or supply upfront he got isolated. Don't write us off even if it's Milan or Barca in the final I expect us to play better and more offensively in the final
  3. Over/underrated games

    How is Beyond good and evil underrated it is amazing. I agree that Sunshine and Wind Waker is massively underrated. Especially The Wind Waker it wasn't quite as epic as Ocarina of Time but it was a joy to play throughout and it had a great feel to it. However what I find massively underrated is Metal Arms Glitch in the System.
  4. Anime and manga discussion

    Well Static has just released the last episode so I can watch the last 2 consecutively.
  5. Football Season 05/06

    Adebayor and Van Persie hadn't had any games before yesterday as a striking partnership, Henry and Adebayor would of been a different story. The good thing about Van Persie is he isn't afraid of taking a shot from anywhere but he needs more match practice before he can start more often. We also need Cole and Clichy back so that Flamini can go back to his usual position but he shoudn't get a starting position as Gilberto has been playing outstanding recently.
  6. Football Season 05/06

    I knew it would be tough, we just had a tough champions league quarter final game midweek, And then we made maybe one too many changes.
  7. Tomb Raider Legend; the game itself

    I'll get it just so it gives more of a chance for more eidos games on the rev and because it's a decent game or so i've read. I could get it for the PC but I'll wait for the cube version which is apparently close to the X-Box version.
  8. Tomb Raider on cube? April Fools or not?

    Confirmed by Gamespot aswell.. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6146997.html
  9. Anime and manga discussion

    So Otome's ending is better than Hime's? I'll watch Hime after this but I've heard the ending is awful. Watching R.O.D TV and Honey Clover while i'm waiting for the final eps. Honey and Clover has excedded my expectations while R.O.D TV has a weird storyline I can't understand.
  10. IGN: Revolution Horsepower

    Where the power matters is with my PC. What is it with people speculating about the power of each console that games out nowadays? Doesn't more power mean the more expensive it gets? Add to that more power is needed to display it on HD I guess? But I won't be getting until at least 2-3 more years and by then I guess we'll be hearing about the next, next gen consoles. It's not official but I don't expect it to be that powerful in terms of specs with the PS3 and 360 I mean the 360 is already expensive with it's HD tech and powerful specs and then the PS3 is I've heard is going to cost quite a bit. Nintendo wanted to make a relatively cheap gaming console that's easy to use and set up and that's how it should be. There is more to the revolution than how powerful it is at the moment with the controller but I still think there will more to the specs than we think there is despite the whole power difference and we'll see it at E3.
  11. Anime and manga discussion

    I already have Hime and intend to watch it soon but I think I'll have to burn it as I'm getting a new PC soon. Saying that though Otome has far from poor it's been good but not outstanding. I've also been watching Honey and Clover recently now that is brilliant.
  12. Anime and manga discussion

    It actually got better after episode 15. Not when Mai came in, just because an old favourite character comes in it doesn't mean the series turns for the better she's been in one episode and at the end of episode 24. Also it can't always be about the best fights, they've been some decent fights but no outstanding ones so far I agree apart from episode 22 but they've concentrated on alot of storyline after episode 15. Not to say this is a flawless series but I've enjoyed it, I haven't seen Mai Hime yet but I've seen plenty of quality anime series' already to judge it properly.
  13. Anime and manga discussion

    Nina is more likely but I'd like to see Nagi get his ass whooped that evil smile and his manipulating make me want to punch him myself :p
  14. Anime and manga discussion

    Nina and Arika share a birthday remember so they were 14 but are now 15. Still it's underage but I guess Sergay did it for a reason and that he needed some Major Wang.
  15. Your GameCube collections

    God knows if I've posted here already but anyway. Zelda Wind Waker Tales Of Symphonia Beyond Good and Evil Resident evil 4 Mario Party 5 Viewtiful Joe Super Monkey ball 2 Timesplitters Future Perfect Paper Mario Smash Brothers Timesplitters 2 Conflict Desert Storm 2
  16. Anime and manga discussion

    Static-Subs has caught up now and is up to Episode 24! 2 more episodes left...
  17. Anime and manga discussion

    Wow Mai Otome has really picked up now although episode 23 had less action it explained alot of things and was enjoyable.
  18. So much for this Vista "Is just around the corner" stuff tech sites have been saying.
  19. Restrain me from smashing my router

    I had a little trouble with mine at the beginning and I'ev had to swap around wireless channels a couple of times but now i've found the one wireless channel that doesn't have any interference and the only lock ups I get is due to too many P2P connections and using too much bandwidth it can my overall connection.
  20. Final Fantasy Official Thread

    I imported FF IV and didn't find it all that good, I've almost finished it but it doesn't give me that epic feeling to it. Your party switches far too often to like the characters or even feel any emotions when certain things happens. The storyline doesn't stand out with the likes of Chrono Trigger from the same SNES era, but it's quit well executed although all in all it's predictable. The music is great especially with some good quality headphones and graphically it's typically snes like but the game seems to experience some menu lag while you are inputting commands. The battle system is the old classic Final Fantasy type system whereas the row your characters are in are important aswell as defending and that's about it apart from certain weapons and magic being strong and weak against certain enemies. Even though it is rather generic I really like the simplicity to the system although I would of enjoyed it more if the random battles were better especially with the amount of battles that occur and the variety of the monsters that appear. I didn't like the idea of having to level up by getting into random encounters occuring every 10 seconds or so against the same monsters countless times.
  21. Anime and manga discussion

    I know what you mean. Although one day I want to collect the original boxsets of my favourites just for the sake of it :P Buying a Anime series in volumes cost way too much so I suggest you buy these "fake" boxsets or download them and watch them.
  22. Anime and manga discussion

    I don't think there is many Original Anime boxsets around. The originals usually come in several "volumes" with 3 episodes or so on it.
  23. The official G.R.A.W thread

    Er so better than Rainbow Six Lockdown I guess? Unless they screw up the PC version.
  24. I deleted paint, help....!?

    Locate the mspaint application in system32 then create a shortcut from that.