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Everything posted by The-Ironflame

  1. NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams

    It sounds even more appalling after what the other team did with Sonic and Secret Rings. I mean graphically speaking. They've still got time though. I'm going to watch the trailer now.
  2. Endless Ocean

    Endless Ocean is a crap name change. "Eternal Blue" however sounds nice.
  3. Xbox 360 Console Discussion

    Is it back up? I heard it was being fixed. I really want to try it out after playing the Eternal Sonata demo already and that's alright apart from the battle system.
  4. Super Mario Galaxy

    Nice and shiny.
  5. Trauma Center:New Blood (Wii)

    I was going to get the first one thinking it was coming out earlier but it's a joke how long they took to release it over here. I can't be bothered now with some more worthwhile games out soon. This will probably be out in 2009 or something going by today's standards. This looks good though.
  6. Mario Kart Wii

    I'd like Normal Karts, No Blue Shells, no snaking, 5-6 player online and more tracks than Double Dash as going through all those tracks only took about 15 mins.
  7. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    Well I thought I had enough bullets even though I was quite low in the first place, there's a weak spot of his which is unprotected as you probably know.
  8. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    Crap I ran out of bullets against Krauser, luckily it only took 2 more knife swipes to finish him off.
  9. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    A funny thing happened to me last night. I was on Chapter 5-1 (I think), I was up tothat bridge part where you take a lift up to a radio tower to try and get some help. A bunch of crows were above on the bridge supports so I decided to shoot them down for some goodies. The only problem was I only had ammo in my Riot Gun and 2 bullets in my Killer7 I wasn't going to use that of course! So I used my Riot Gun and started shooting at them, then a few of them flew away down the path of the bridge so I started shooting them too. Suddenly I heard a "ugh" from a distance and noticed a person in black from afar, I thought it was a ganado seeing that they added more enemies in certain areas of the game in this version. I ran up and found that I killed the merchant
  10. Mario Party 8

    I don't think it's as bad as they say but obviously they could of done a whole lot better, a longer delay till October would of done it some good.
  11. Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition

    I thought it looked a bit poor at first then I found that my brightness was too high. Looks much better now, the game looks sharper.
  12. Football Season 2007/2008

    They say that every season and look what happens. Lost a bit of sleep recently worrying about what we gonna do now.. luckily I'm off this summer. Wenger has to sign a good striker, not to replace (you can't replace a player like Henry) but a experienced goalscorer at least not some random unproven youngster.
  13. Strike! Royal Mail Censor Resident Evil 4

    I've ordered Scarface but that's down for the 30th which is weird cos that's a Saturday?
  14. Virgin Media Traffic Management

    While 20mb is about to be brought in Virgin have brought in some Traffic Management to try and moderate the speeds during peak times (4pm to midnight). If you're caught within the top 5% downloaders then they will lower your speeds till midnight. Broadband Size: M During peak times, the top 5% on the Size: M package download at least 350MB of traffic each. Any users hitting this amount during peak times (4pm till midnight) will have their broadband speed temporarily traffic managed – their download speed will be set to 1Mb, with their upload speed set to 128Kb. This will last for 4 hours from when the traffic management policy is applied. Broadband Size: L During peak times, the top 5% on the Size: L package download at least 750MB of traffic each. Any users hitting this amount during peak times (4pm till midnight) will have their broadband speed temporarily traffic managed – their download speed will be set to 2Mb, with their upload speed set to 192Kb. This will last for 4 hours from when the traffic management policy is applied. Broadband Size: XL During peak times, the top 5% on the Size: XL package download at least 3GB of traffic each. Any users hitting this amount during peak times (4pm till midnight) will have their broadband speed temporarily traffic managed – their download speed will be set to 5Mb, with their upload speed set to 256Kb. This will last for 4 hours from when the traffic management policy is applied. http://allyours.virginmedia.com/html/internet/traffic.html
  15. Manhunt 2

    That was another game. Not Manhunt 2. That was Law and Order: Double Or Nothing never heard of it myself..
  16. Virgin Media Traffic Management

    Virgin Media does not block any ports it's perfectly fine here. It's either your firewall or router not forwarded properly.
  17. Tales of Symphonia Official Thread

    So which group from this list has everyone tried and can recommend? http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=4548 Fosu apparently have H264 version. Downloaded this version and it seems good quality so far..
  18. Football Season 2007/2008

    Wenger will probably be going "Show me the money" to Real for Reyes. Hope they decide to sign him after all and for £12m at least..
  19. Tales of Symphonia Official Thread

    Hopefully a good group pick up this project. Although with Tales of Phantasia: The Animation there wasn't much choice.
  20. Mass Effect (2)

    It's not that oblivion is crap but what Bioware managed with KOTOR was amazing. It felt like a living, breathing Star Wars universe with a great storyline and good characters. With Oblivion the NPC's feel like a bunch of Robots The Main Storyline is a bit poor and there are no meaningful characters in this game.
  21. Mass Effect (2)

    Let's hope my 360 survives this summer.. KOTOR was excellent much better than Oblivion although I found the battle system a bit weird.
  22. N-E Community Feature: Your Top Resident Evil 4 Moments

    "Black haired guy" you mean Luis Sera.
  23. N-E Community Feature: Your Top Resident Evil 4 Moments

    My favourite moments were when you met the Bella sisters. You had the choice of taking one of two paths, it was either that or the El Gigante. The first time I met them it scared the crap out of me as they both had chainsaws and if they got too close you could say goodbye to your head. Another great part was when you meet Luis Sera in that abandoned house with Ashley and he says this classic line "I see the president has equipped his daughter with ballistics too!
  24. The heat is on!

    What I hate about hot weather is the evil hayever I suffer from. Add to that those damn spiders, one decided to spew a bit behind the LCD TV.
  25. Anime and manga discussion

    Damn I really should of started watching Mai Otome Zwei sooner. It is really good can't wait for the final ep!