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Posts posted by Ashley

  1. Coke (preferably caffeine free but no pub does that). Did like smirnoffs, then got turned to (double) vodka and red bulls but 2 of those in one night soon caused no-sleepness for me. so then went for VK Blue as they are cheap, but a few of those also caused no sleep (ingredients; taurin - which is in red bull - , caffeine and a bit of vodka). Then tried smirnoffs again but that also caused no sleep. Now back to cokes. Occassionally one smirnoff, or a double vodka lime and lemonade but they're pricey.

  2. I write and draw and watch cult TV.


    What TV, just curious. Cause cult is becoming mainstream (obviously depending on the program) and its an ironic back to front kinda thing. Also, im a fan of TV and im nosey.


    So yeah if TV can count, TV. But not in a mindless "ooh pretty people doing things" kinda way (ie Friends) but TV with soul or heart. Or some other body part. Things that make you think, challenge ideology or are feminist. Im a big fan of feminism.


    I create stories in my head, but never write them down. Im on the second season of a TV program thats been floating around in my head for about three years.


    I'd like to do more photography than I do, as its enjoyable. Just wish I could afford a shiny new camera.

  3. You got number 10 right Eenuh. And yeah I know its not used only in film noir, just trying to give a bit of a hand.


    And Tom; I'm liking season two. Its still silly and fun and thats what I love about Desperate Housewives. Its funny without being in your face about it - maybe its because theres no laugh track. I think this season will pick up when mysteries unravel and all that. As Marcia Cross said, its a popular show, people are going to pick faults.

  4. 1. The rule of the moon for the next half year and often symbolises the death of the an old God.


    Smells of copy and paste :P


    Damn right Tom, the film does rock.


    Thinking about number five, might be a bit too difficult, I had to actually look at the photoshoot in a magazine to find out. I'll give it some time and may change it.

  5. you people are too dumb

    the guy asked for a RPG/ ADVENTURE

    not a damn action or racer


    Okay first off, calm down. He send he "tends to like RPG/Adventure". Im sure he doesn't mind more suggestions.


    Anyway I know this is a month-long bump but rather than starting a new similar topic. Just wondering whether people think a PS2 purchase is worthwhile since its so close to its death. My friend has been trying to convince me and I may get one after xmas pre-owned from work with discount.

  6. Wait to see how it goes, cause at the moment 50% of the replies are just "I want free stuff."


    Free demos of From Russia With Love and King Kong (both PS2) when you pre-order them at Game. Pre-orders are free and you don't need to buy the game if you don't want to.

  7. Give me some time, might be able to get a round together tonight.


    1. Halloween originates from the Pagan holiday Samhain, but what does Samhain celebrate?

    Athriller got in the festive spirit and got it right.

    2. What is the name of the flight the cast of ‘Lost’ found themselves on (including the airway name)?

    gmac got it correct - Oceanic Flight 815

    3. How many kJ of energy does caffeine free coke contain?

    Platty hit this one on the nose.

    4. What colour is Edie’s house in the new season of ‘Desperate Housewives’?

    5. Who took this photo of Sarah Michelle Gellar?

    6. In the program ‘Wonderfalls’ what are the names of Jaye Tyler’s family members?

    7. What’s the name of the planet the crew of Serenity visit in the film ‘Serenity’?

    Tom was the clever little boy and watched this awesome movie.

    8. What song played when Logan and Veronica first kissed in ‘Veronica Mars’?

    9. What is my star sign?

    Yes Monopolyman, my profile does not lie. Im an aquarius.

    10. What is the technical name for a strong contrast between black and white? It is often used to describe lighting in film noirs.

    Eenuh not only got it right but managed to spell chiaroscuro correct.

  8. art foundation courses do tend to be a bit crap, thats why i didnt do one.

    to get into uni i just went down with my portfolio high jacked the nearest tutor and, blah blah blahed my way in. :awesome:


    Well you see I was going to go to uni this year but didnt feel ready and what not so I decided to do a local art foundation to kill time and make sure I didn't lounge around doing nothing. I may end up lounging around by the looks.

  9. I hated school, but college was fun - the first time. Did my A levels and that was all rocking, cause I aced them with ease but I've gone to a different college to do an art foundation and I dunno, its just not clicking. I may drop out, its just so blah. And I think I could do with some time off before uni, just to relax as I rarely relax.
