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Everything posted by Flaight

  1. If I could pick a few, I would. But I'll go for NES here simply from the standpoint of longest serving entertainment.
  2. Ahh that's the first dungeon you fall into! I know the focus of attention has been mostly on graphics for this ff3 remake, but Im just so curious of how class system will be. Anyway, few random thoughts/replies, from reading through this thread: --[] About FF Adventure (Mystique Quest, the GBA version of Mana series). Yes I played it back then and I loved it. I guess Im sentimental enough to really get into the character. I cried at the end of it. Come to think of it that started all this Mana series, didn't it. I had the feeling it may become big back then ... --[] About GBA FF Legend series. Again, I remember playing them though my memory is shaky on this one. I fondly remember the tunes though. And that big ass tower. The system annoyed me, with those throw-away weapons. You had to buy 99 Swords, 99 Hammers etc But that was the only RPG back then and from Square, I think everyone played it due to lack of choice more than anything else. I mean, it was the FIRST of the very first RPG on handheld. The later series 2 and 3 were better, but still a bit unworked, I feel. All the time travel plot was good in principle, but they didn't bother working on it. I sometimes wonder whether perfecting that concept lead to Chrono Trigger series? --[] About FF 2D vs 3D. I have the feeling that may be a generational thing. I grew up with tile based RPGs, so Im fond of them. And the cliche of old RPGs - treasure chests! They existed so "naturally" before FF7. If you are fairly young or weren't nerdy enough to get into earlier series, I think FF7 would have been the first big one you played. It was the first big break in the general market in the western hemisphere, so the mass outbreak of "FF bug" started with FF7 for most people. In which case you probably wouldn't be fond of earlier 2D ones. Personally I like them all. --[] About FF1&2 on GBA. Yeah I agree FF2 has weird growth system. It is somewhat more balanced now though. After so many years the devs must have known how to fine-tune it and remove some silly exploits you could do with the original. The main plot wasn't bad either. --[] About Dragon Quest PAL version. Off topic, but I didn't know it was scheduled for release here...!!!!! I must rebuy/repair my PS2. --[] I can't wait for FF3. --[] I can't wait for FF3.
  3. The way I think about it, the enhancement is made by remapping keys to the revo wand, but not "adding functionality" as such (unless otherwise designed within the game).
  4. If Im not mistaken, those controller ports side have a flap so you can wish it away if you want to eliminate them. As for controllers themselves looking tacky out of revo, I guess someone will release a matching design controller that has cube connector Looking forward to everything, to be honest!
  5. You know, honestly, it's funny you say that. At least to me. I was reading what Chris_ngc was referring to after reading your reply to him, to see how bad it is. I had expected it to be very pompous as it is THE nintendo magazine. To my surprise, it comes across very truthful for what it is as far as data goes. So I don't know what all the aggro is about here, unless your view starts off skewed. Don't forget, those articles have narrow focus in the first place. For instance, 360 had just come out and so it was compared to Nintendo's current console. No reason to bring in other consoles then, within that frame of reference. So it's absurd to criticise the article for not mentioning other consoles. As for comparing it to EDGE in terms of even-handedness, you're having a laugh It wouldn't be much of an official Nintendo magazine without a big emphasis and expectation on it, would it. It's like buying a cat and complaining that it doesn't fly. A cat doesn't fly, no. That's true. I don't dispute that. But you're barking up the wrong tree if you got irritated about it.
  6. That caught my eye too yesterday. I went to see a copy of the new Nintendo Mag and EDGE's cover had a pic of DS Lite on it with that caption. I had to stop and read it there and then, it was too tempting (sorry WHSmith). knightendo, thank you for the tip on the phone number. I haven't bought the mag yet so I don't know the enquiry number yet. I guess I'll go pick up my own copy tomorrow as my subscription starts next month, as far as I know.
  7. Reminded me of star wars at first, I thought that was A wing. Then I saw the title If it were to be seen as an art piece (which I don't think it was intended to be), I would say the pic is too congested. The lack of void (empty space) is causing over-crowding; there is too much detail in a small space, resulting in a cancellation of beauty that each object projects, which is a shame. I also get the feeling that I really want to see more detail of that beautiful spacecraft, which is too dark at the moment and wastes details. That said, it's a cool sci-fi presentation of 3 great objects. You get a snapshot of them and someone trying to make a point is often the reason for having a sig in a forum. To that end I think it's a good one. Given a cleverer use of void, I would have given it 10/10. As it stands, 8/10.
  8. I subscribed on the web (direct debit option) and I didnt get to choose a free game on offer I don't even know if they are giving me one.
  9. In a nutshell, I agree that Nintendo needs a change of image particularly in the UK. I find that media is pretty much the same with the general public when it comes to the image of Nintendo - it's targetting children and child-oriented. Nintendo is partly to blame as they pushed Pokemon so hard, most people who don't know a lot about the scene think Nintendo = Pokemon = Kids. It's a victim of its own success, if you like. A bit of a complicated subject, but... We live in a world where intuitive-fun (as opposed to acquired-fun) is often better understood by kids, who are socially and academically unconditioned in experiencing 'fun'. It doesn't have to be kids, but it just so turns out, growing up usually results in acquired-fun dominating your sense of enjoyment, because Knowledge takes over Intuition (normally) as you age. That leaves mostly kids to understand why Nintendo is fun. All that is generalized, of course. Us fans are exceptions, because we've deliberately went after intuitive-fun Nintendo is good at delivering. Some journalists in the media are also keen followers of Nintendo and understand this. Also it's worth saying here that intuitive-fun is the origin of gaming, before the multimedia revolution of 90s made realism the central part of games development - Realism encourages acquired-fun based gaming, because replicating our world is the most obvious direction when realism can be achieved. This is perhaps another reason why Nintendo is quite happy to have the least multimedia-based nextgen console. I myself like both types of fun, but I'm afraid the general media, who doesn't have both perceptions, will see it otherwise. Not necessarily because Nintendo isn't fun for them, but because they haven't given themselves a chance to experience another side of 'fun'. Skepticism doesn't help either. Did all that make sense?
  10. I'm so looking forward to 3!!!!! I loved the class system. I know 5 and 9 have outdone it to an extent, but I also loved its world. It was so imaginative then. I'm looking foward to seeing how they can update it. It's historically important. Personally I prefered 8 too, but they're rather different in emphasis. 6 was very finely connected little cutscenes, like a picture book. Lots of character classes too - colourful and variable. It was funny too, and at times it couldnt take itself seriously. It was so entertaining in many ways. 8 was totally different in emphasis. It was a journey of a mind. It put across wide range of subtle emotions. The down side of this is that the player also has to be perceptive to feel it. As a result, too many factors came in on the side of the player - such as age, upbringing, sexuality, culture and personal experience. I think that's why 8 tends to split opinions right down the middle. It's much harder piece of story telling than 6 or 7. If you don't understand the emotions 8 is trying to convey to its fullest, then that's a big chunk of the game out of the window, because 7 was richer in character background, 6 was richer in pacy event-driven story telling, 3/5/9 were richer in character class development, and so on so forth. It was very brave of Square to attempt 8.
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