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Jim Merrick Interview Part 2

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http://www.computerandvideogames.com/r/?page=http://www.computerandvideogames.com/news/news_story.php(que)id=126763 for the whole interview. I was surprised that I didn't notice anyone had posted this already.



When are we going to hear more about the Revolution and what's more is there to say?


Jim Merrick: There's actually a lot more left to tell but I don't have any fixed dates yet. It's important to keep things back, because of the competitive nature of our business. In general though, Nintendo doesn't like to get involved in the pre-launch specifications arguments - you know, we can talk about polygons and mega-flops like anybody else. But at the end of the day, it's meaningless - we'd rather have the game speak to us. The consumer is buying an entertainment experience, not a polygon machine. That said, we need to keep informing people about the Revolution and to stay in people's minds and not be end up like "Oh, whatever happened to that next-generation system from Nintendo?" There are many months left between now and whenever we decide to launch.



If you missed part 1 you can go here http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=60917

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Thanks for that read :smile:

So we're getting electroplankton afterall, and at least he admitted they should of tried harder advertising games like Metroid Prime 2.

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Great read. He mentioned that when you play against anonymous people they will not include the option to chat on non 18+ games!!! Does this mean we can chat with people on your buddy list!? On Mario Kart!!?


Obviously none of know yet though we will 'immenently' :) One flipside to this was him saying he doesnt know what products will use the voice software :(


Cant wait till its revealed so weknow one way or another!

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When he talked about anoymous people digging up trees in animal crossing i got excited. I would love to run in someones town and just start messing it up lol

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Your the person responsible for it NOT being allowed ;)

It would be funny to do for 5 minutes, then you wouldnt bother

It would be funny if it happened to you for 5 minutes, then you'd want to go on a killing spree!

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I am on my way to the airport now. My flight leaves late. I will be at Actvision until friday.

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But at the end of the day, it's meaningless - we'd rather have the game speak to us. The consumer is buying an entertainment experience, not a polygon machine.


Thats all well and good Jim, but how bout showing us some games already. Its excruciating to see a new 360/PS3 game announced on a daily basis. Go to any video game website and find hordes of screenshots and movies of next gen games. But not even a piffling screenshot of a Revo game. Hell, even some concept art would be nice at this point.

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